And Ain't it pretty

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World comes around in its lesson.
One that seemed to follow me around
was the idea of fighting an object
is easier than fighting a concept.
Changing a law is different than changing the mind.
Law is something that can simply be argued and evaluated
and while this is  done with a concept,
a difference between attention and conscious.

All the different ways to take down a problem
and by far my favorite will always be non-violent.
History is full of examples
between the different methods and examples of fights
between object and concepts.
Fighting war with war and fire with fire
has lead to the red of anger and failure and controversy.

Fighting wrong with violence
is painting the shades of Grey that coat our conscious.
But to fight peace with violence,
even after one uses his hands,
nonviolence is not the can of paint that you buy at the store.
It's the turpentine.
It clears color so that you can bring color.
We've always had the color.
I wear peace on my may face like war paint;
a splendid irony.

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