5. Surprise

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It took a while to figure out why Luke wouldn't get out of his bed. Michael was standing over him, tapping him like a madman. It wasn't because he was trying to be annoying, which was usually the case. Michael had some news.

"Whaaat, whaaaaat, what do you want from me?" Luke turned over on to his back and placed his arm over his face. The headache that was heavy in pain, grew stronger and he groaned. "I have news. " Michael smiled, sitting on his bed and waiting for a confirmation to reveal it. He knew alcohol was behind Luke's groggyness this morning and he wanted to ask what happened but decided to ask him later. That wasn't as important as this.

"Well spill Mikey."

"Gladly. We have a gig.... Well gigs. We're gonna be going on a mini tour all over New South Wales and the East coast..." Michael gave a light punch to Luke's side and he sat up, not because of the pain but because he was actually shocked. "Ow fuck!" He laid back down quickly, deciding jumping about wasn't the best thing to do right now. Yesterday should have been worth it if he had to deal with this much.

"Want some pain killers?"

"Sure. Ask my mum, she knows where they are."

"Everyone is asleep though.."

"Then how did you get in h-" Luke rolled his eyes and decided he wasn't going to get anywhere with bombarding him with questions. Michael knew his way around the house anyways. What was more important was how he got to the state he's currently in. He hasn't been to a party in a while, neither has he hung by the alley either...

"Here you go." Michael said, quickly handing Luke a glass of water and a pill. "Drink responsibly champ." He slapped his face lightly.

"Thanks." Luke took the pill gratefully as Michael watched. "How the hell did you get this hungover in the first place? Who did it this time?" Luke drunk the rest of his water and placed it on the nightstand, scratching his head. "Um I don't remember, what did we do yesterday?"

"I was beating your ass in Mario Kart when you got a call from someone. Next thing I knew, Ashton brought you back and you had wet hair and your clothes were backwards. Now can you tell me what's up?" Michael gave Luke a questioning look and it finally hit him. Walking down to creek. Seeing Lyneth with nothing on. Getting illegally drunk on dark liquor. Luke didn't mention anything about his fun afternoon with Ashton's new foster sister. No, all he said was, "Does the Hutchinson's know about the shows?"


"Well what's the news?" Ashton crossed his arms. It was early in the morning and he felt as if  Calum was hiding something from him. By the jittery stance he was witholding, to the boldness in eyes, Ashton felt like this was something he should have an in on. Trina clapped. "Okay here we go. The news Tristan and I have i-"

"Where is Lyneth?" Ashton peered around, eyebrows slightly raised. Although he knew exactly where she was, which was hungover and asleep, he felt that she was just as much of a family member as everyone else was, and believed she should be here. Tristan shrugged. "Someone can tell her the news later."

"Anyways, like I was saying before I got interupted, Tristan and I got excepted into the training program!"

"That's so cool!"


"What training school?" All heads turned, including Ashton's of course, and there Lyneth stood, sheets wrapped around her body, standing at the very top of the staircase.

"It's a dance academy Trina and I applied to last summer." Tristan explained, eyebrows raised at her apperance. Lyneth didn't mind the gazes as she inched her way down the stairs and sat down on a dining room chair. "How cool." She casually complimented, making Ashton wonder where the hell her hang over was.

"Um Lyneth." Calum asked.


"Where are your clothes?" Lyneth looked down at the sheet wrapped around her and shrugged. "Gone with the wind."

"Morning kids." Mr. Hutchinson strolled in the dining room, cup of coffee in hand. Ashton eyed the man, having mixed feelings about him considering he ruined what could've been a fun night with Lyneth with his Takeout announcement. "What we talking about?" Trina grinned.

"Well I just told them about Tristan and I's news. " He nodded and looked at Calum. "Did you tell them yours?" Calum shook his head. Ashton became more confused on what was going on, he felt as if he should've been the first person to know. That is his best friend after all. Ashton felt like an outsider looking in. Maybe the way the brown haired girl across from him was feeling this whole time. He looked at Lyneth who was casually staring up at Calum, biting the corner of her lip in anticipation.

"We're going on tour..." Calum said biting his lip, trying to avoid bursts of excitement. All Ashton could do was stand there, toss the words around in his brain, interpret more. He didn't believe that the very thing he worked years for was now at his fingertips.

"Congratulations guys! I hope you have fun!" Lyneth smiled, standing up to hug both boys. She was happy for everyone but unfortunately she just got here and while everyone was going to be off during the summer, she'd be here... Doing absolutely nothing.

"Not so fast Lyneth," Mr. Hutchinson held out a hand. "Since Tristan and Trina got accepted to their academy and it'll be only them, you'll be going on tour with your new brothers. Isn't that swell?"

"Wait what, why does she have to go? Isn't this a band thing?" Ashton said, trying to avoid the fact that he'd love to explore the east coast with her. Heck, maybe even the world. His thoughts wandered but his face remained stern, taking no heed to the stare he was getting from the girl in the sheets across the from him. Mr. Hutchinson rolled his eyes. "Don't be a baby, Luke's mother volunteered to watch you kids during downtime and keep Lyneth here occupied. Unless you wanna come with me to research wildlife." He glanced at Lyneth and she widened her eyes. "No sir." Her eyes fell to the hazel ones across from her, and she raised her eyebrows, tugging her lip with her thumb and index finger.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2019 ⏰

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