The Wedding

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I am so bored. I was forced to attend this wedding, but no one is making an effort to even talk to me. No one. Not even my own father who was the groom. 

I barely knew these people. I guess these people were my father's new wife's family. They looked weird. Their faces are scrunched up and snobby looking. 

Even though I'm the maid of honor, I really don't want to be here. I could be home doing work or something. But no, I'm stuck here, by myself, having a horrible time. 

Oh great, now my favprite song is playing. I'm not gonna freak out about it like I usually do. Nope, I'll just stand here and look bored. Which wasn't hard to do. 

I caught myself singing the song anyway, so I quickly shut my mouth. 

"Don't stop singing. You have a lovely voice," I heard someone say behind me. As I turned my head to look at whoever it was, I was called to the cake table for pictures. I quickly walked to it, not looking back at the person. 

When I reached the table, my dad and his new wife were standing behind it, smiling. It was creepy.

"Bethany," my dad said, "come over here and take pictures with us." 

I slouched my shoulders and dragged myself over there. I was placed between my dad and Rebecca. Her two sons were put either side of her and my dad. 

My dad wants me to call Rebecca Mom, but she would never be my mom. Instead, I simply call her Rebecca. 

I put on my best fake smile on my face, and took pictures. My posture changed as well. My shoulders were lifted and my head held high. It was all fake, of course. 

After what seemed like forever, we finally finished taking pictures. I walked back to my original spot, which was in the far table in the back. 

No one was back here, so I was alone. Thank God. 

"Hey," someone said. It was that same voice from earlier. I turned around to see that the voice belonged to a guy around his late teens. 

"Hi," I spoke bluntly. I really didn't feel like talking to anyone. 

"What are you doing all by yourself?" He took a seat next to me. His posture went from one of a prince to a bum. His back was bent forward when he rested his head on the table. 

"I don't know anybody other than my dad," I folded my arms across my chest. My words were chosen carefully. I didn't know this guy, and I didn't want him knowing me. He seemed creepy, too. 

"Who's your dad?" he asked. 

"Why should I tell you?" I sassed. Okay, that was pretty harsh of me, but it's too late. The words were already out of my mouth and into his brain. 

He lifted his head and sat back in the chair. As he did so, he raised his hands in defense. "Just trying to make conversation. Sorry for asking." 

With him sitting like that, I could really take in all his features. His eyes were blue; they were very gorgeous. He had short, swept hair, and I knew he was way taller than me. I knew becuse of earlier when his shadow just towered over me. 

"Sorry," I said with a sigh. "I just really don't want to be here." I began to massage my temples. This guy must really can't take a hint. He's still here. 

"Why are you here then?" I furrowed my eyebrows at his question. And again, I didn't want to tell him about myself. He must've noticed me thinking because he said, "Sorry for asking so many questions." 

"It's okay," I assured him. "I don't want to be here here because my dad is marrying someone other than my mom." 

"Ah, so your dad is the groom?" He began to stroke his chin as if he's interested. 

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