Fair Game

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Author's note: This is my first legit story I'm posting on Wattpad. If you're reading this, then thank you so much for choosing to read this story! Also, I'm in need of a book cover of some sorts. I'm not that technologically smart enough to do any of that on my laptop, so I'm kindly asking any of you guys to make one for me? If you do, then I might dedicate a chapter for you, or I might put you in the story and make you more well-known to other Wattpad users to get you to receive more followers. Please and thank you! Enjoy this chapter if you're reading this! 


His name rung through my head like a siren. John. John. John. It's stuck in my head! 

I was just laying in my bed staring at the ceiling. Everything was packed, so I didn't really have anything to do. 

Only two more weeks until the big move! I couldn't believe that time flies after you graduate high school. 

My phone rang and I rolled off my bed. That was dumb of me to do because when I git the ground my hip bumped into one of the few boxes I had laying on the floor. Mumbling a few cuss words, I stood up and grabbed my phone from my dresser. 

"Hello?" I answered as I examined my hip. It was already bruising! 

"Beth?" It was Eric. I rolled my eyes at Beth. I hate when he called me that. 

"What do you want, Eric?" I sighed out. 

"My friend wanted to know if you'd like to hang out with us today?" He sounded like he didn't want to ask me that. Annoyance was clear in his voice. 

"Who's your friend?" I asked. Why would one of Eric's friends want to hang out with me? 

"John," he said. My eyes nearly fell out of my head. Did I hear right? 

"Where are you?" I asked. 

"We're at the fair," he answered. 

"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes," and we hung up. 

I was fixing to head out until I looked in the mirror. M hair was a tangled mess, my clothes were wrinkled, and I had little bags under my eyes. Needless to say, I looked horrible. 

Searching for my hairbrush, I also looked for an outfit to wear. I couldn't find an outfit, but I found my brush. After sabotaging my hair, I quickly threw some pink short-shorts on with a tank-top and a red cardigan to cover up. I checked myself in the mirror and winked at myself. What? I wink at myself. Deal with it. Checking my breath, I needed to brush my teeth. Only two minutes it took to do that. Then I was on my way. 

When I pulled into a parking lot across from the fair, I could hear the band playing on the stage. 

I loved the fairs. Everyone was friendly to each other, so there was hardly any trouble. 

I noticed Eric and his friend standing by the bar. Of course he would be there. I walked through the entrance and towards the boys. They had their backs facing me, so I couldn't see their faces. 

Sighing, I leaned on the bar next to Eic. Both of their heads turned to face me. I almost immediately recognized JOhn. I still couldn't believe that he's friends with Eric. It's a small world after all. 

"Hey, guys," I greeted. 

"Hey, Beth," Eric smirked. He's so annoying. 

"Hello, Bethany," John greeted with a smile, "You're looking realy good tonight." He winked at me. 

"Uh, thanks, I think?" I rubbed the back of my neck. "So, what's on the agenda for tonight?" I asked the boys. 

They exchanged glances then faced me again with devious smiles on their faces. John walked over to me and blocked me from walking away. He leaned in close and spoke, "Whatever you want, doll." Doll? Was that supposed to be some kind of compliment? "Hmm.." he looked away from me and stared at the ground, "Doll doesn't really suit you." He thought some more. "Baby doll," he smiled. 

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