Mother Of...

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"Hello? I heard a croaky voice on the other end of the call. 

"Mom?" I asked hoping it was her. A silence fell for a while. 

"Bethany?" her voice sounded more clear than before. 

"Yes, Mom, it's me, Bethany," I didn't know what else to say to her. 

"Your voice is so mature now. Has it been that long since I saw you?" 

"Yes, it has been that long, Mother," I spoke through clenched teeth. 

"Well, why don't you come over and we can talk face to-" she stopped abruptly, "On second thought, let's meet up somewhere." I could've sworn that I heard another voice. 

Narrowing my eyes, I said, "Yeah, that's fine. Who are you with?" At this point I was pacing my room. 

"No one sweetie. Let's meet up at McDonald's by the St. Gregory Church, okay? See you in a bit!" And she hung up. Just like that. No "How have you been?" or "It's nice to hear from you, Hunnie!" Nada! But she is my mom, and I did mis her, so I should go meet her. 

What should I wear to go meet my mom? It's been six years since I"ve seen her, so I didn't know if she became rich or anything. 

After a few minutes of thinking, I just settled on a pair of jean shorts matched with a white tank and covered witha light blue cardigan. I did a few model twists in the mirror and smiled at myself. I've been working really hard to get my body the way it was by exercising and working out almost everyday. My eyes laid on my reflection, and I instantly frowned at the black-eye. I almost forgot about it. It wasn't anything make-up couldn't cover, so I quickly put some on my eye. When I couldn't see it anymore, I picked up the make-up and left my room. My phone was in my pocket, so all I needed to do was grab my keys and wallet and leave. And that's what I did. 

The McDonald's wasn't packed, but it wasn't empty either. I tried looking for my mom. but I forgot what she looked like. It's been so long. I finally gave up and went order some breakfast. 

"Hi, welcome to McDonald's. What can I get you?" said the woman working behind the counter.

I looked at the menu and thought about what I wanted. "Um," I started, "I'll have a simple chicken biscuit, please?" 

"Would you like a combo with hashbrowns and a drink?" she asked and I nodded slightly. She punched some numbers in and told me my total amount for the meal. I paid and grabbed my cup. 

What do I want to drink? Tea doesn't sound that bad. Yeah, I'll have some tea. My food was ready, so I went find a seat. 

I heard the door open and in walked a woman in her late thirties/early fourties. She wore capris with holes all over and a wrinkly tank top. We met eyes and she smiled showing her yellowish teeth. Why was she smiling at me? She's walking towards me! 

The woman sat down across from me. "Bethany, sweetie," she spoke with a smile. 

"Who are you?" I asked nervously taking a bite of my chicken biscuit. Her smile faded. 

"I'm your mom,"  she spoke. My eyes grew wide when she said it. This woman is my mom. "My, you've grown into a beautiful young lady." 

"What happened to you?" I whispered a little too loudly. It was the only thing running through my mind. After realizing what I said, I covered my mouth. 

"Nothing, sweetie," she spoke as if nothing was wrong. "I just fell is all." 

"In what? Did you fall off a hill?" 

"No, I didn't fall off a hill. an we please just drop it? she snapped. I quickly shut my mouth and remained quiet. "So, how's school?" 

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "Mom, school's over. I graduated this past spring and it's summer." Her mouth turned and formed into an "O" shape. 

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