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"You shoot me down, but I won't fall. I am titanium" ~Titanium, David Guetta

I don't feel pain where it should be anymore. I should ache because of an emptiness. My body should shake and shiver from pain. But it doesn't. I'm so used to it by now, that it doesn't.

I found ways to heal the pain a long time ago. I distract myself from the troubling things and face my other problems head on. Everyday my heart doesn't beat because of its emptiness, I make up for the emptiness in strength. Every time I let myself slip and let out my anger, I calm myself down and get right back up. Because that's what warriors do. I will fight until I can no longer, immortal unless wounded in battle. I must be strong for my friends, my family, but most of all, for myself. I won't allow myself to cry or yell. I will stand tall and proud, and face the beast my problems have become. 

I am a little lion girl. Strong in strength, and stronger at heart.

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