Chapter 2: When love and death embrace

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I was lead down a long corridor with more doors either side, the whole time I had the images of the video when love and death embrace in my head, ville even wearing the same suit, “what happened to you? The ville everyone knew and loved?” I asked without thinking, “he became dark and evil but with a soft spot for the same person iv always had a soft spot for and the person who has now joined me in death” he replied, I couldn't help but smile a little bit, he still had his sweet side even if he didn't want to show it. “well we now have to go stage your funeral, just like mine was staged” he sound so confident with his plans, me I just felt confused why was he doing this, trying to control someones life just so his could be perfect, my parents wont fall for his fake schemes I hope and how is he going to attend when hes meant to be dead, “i'm not going to attend, but I wont be to far away so dont try anything to give it all away” he threatened, I felt another pain in my chest the place where my heart once was beating, “the process is complete there is no turning back now” he whispered before kissing my cheek, I cant even think without him knowing, im nothing now, “ you cant think because it has already been written that we are to marry, which is why you needed to be transformed” he sighed as I was lead to a room with a coffin in the middle, “ dont worry its a closed coffin ceremony, you will have headphones and as your dead you wont need to breath” ville said full of confidence, I was helped into the coffin, then head phones where placed over my ears just before the lid was shut and I could feel that I was being moved, the song started playing and I knew it straight away, “You can't escape the wrath of my heart

Beating to your funeral song (You're so alone)

All faith is lost for hell regained

And love dust in the hands of shame (Just be brave)

Let me bleed you this song of my heart deformed

And lead you along this path in the dark

Where I belong 'till I feel your warmth

Hold me

Like you held on to life

When all fears came alive and entombed me

Love me

Like you love the sun

Scorching the blood in my vampire heart

I'll be the thorns on every rose

You've been sent by hope (You'll grow cold)

I am the nightmare waking you up

From the dream of a dream of love (Just like before)

Let me weep you this poem as Heaven's gates close

Paint you my soul, scarred and alone

Waiting for your kiss to take me back home

Hold me

Like you held on to life

When all fears came alive and entombed me

Love me

Like you love the sun

Scorching the blood in my vampire heart

Hold me

Like you held on to life

When all fears came alive and entombed me

Love me

Like you love the sun

Scorching the blood in my vampire heart

Hold me (Like you held on to life)

Like you held on to life

(When all fears came alive and entombed me)

My vampire heart

Love me (Like you love the sun)

Like you love the sun

(Scorching the blood in my)

My vampire heart” I must have fallen asleep because I was soon awoken by the light flooding in to my ears. I quickly covered my face and dashed for darkness it really had happened I was one of them, I blood drinker an animal, a murder, but I hadnt craved blood yet why was this, “its because we dont need blood like normal vampires they drink it to keep their blood pumping but out blood turns black so we dont need it” ville said coming up and wrapping his arms around me. “i see” I replied but I still didnt understand why he wanted me and how he still had feelings for me after what I did to him.

(Ville valo) you will join me in death you have no choiceWhere stories live. Discover now