Chapter 12: Salt in Our wounds

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Authers note: new charactors added, PICTURE IS OF HOW ALISON GETS HER HAIR :) 

It was none other then Ashley Purdy, “um im sorry” I said trying to not to burst out laughing, Bam ran up to see where id got to, “hi Ashley” he said trying to keep a straight face, then Stacey came over and just burst out laughing. Ashley just stood there pissed off, I couldnt help it any more I burst out laughing and dropped the remainders of the flour on the floor. Once id got over my laughing fit I apologized again, which this time Ashley accepted my apology so I went up to my room then I was star struck, oh my god I just met Ashley Purdy, right Alison breathe,  “10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1” I felt better now so I ventured back to everyone, Ashley was no longer coated in flour but he still had a sour look on his face, “you know what you looked better with the flour” I said as I walked past him down to the pirate bar, I grabbed the vodka and poured my self a vodka and coke then went to the juke box put im not a vampire by falling in reverse on full blast then sat on the sofa and texted ville hoping he would reply, my phone beeped to say id got a text, just as I was replying and sing along to my favourite bit of the song Hi my name is Ronnie im addict, hi Ronnie, daddy should have never raised me on black Sabbath, I suddenly felt the sofa sink a little bit I looked up and it was Ashley, I quickly checked my phone it wasn’t ville, it was Stacey saying her and Bam had gone to get lunch and would be back in a bit, so great im stuck with my all time favourite bassist, “so what you doing here” I randomly asked with out thinking, “I could ask you the same thing” he joked. “Well I have a reason, bams making me live here so I have no choice” he looked confused “whys bam making you?” he asked, “im not one hundred percent sure but I think it has something to do with my recent break up”

Me and Ashley carried on talking till bam got back, he walked in with star bucks drinks, handed me my favourite mango and passion fruit iced tea drink,  he then handed Ashley some form of coffee, Stacey came in a few minutes later with mc Donald’s, handed me and Ashley  some food then disappeared, I went up stairs because I hate people watching me eat. Once id eaten I turned the tv on and put a random jackass DVD into the player, “do you not get sick of the real thing” a voice came from my door way, I looked up and it was Ashley, “ner not really, its all fun and games stops you getting bored, there’s never a dull moment in the Margera house” I said, “do you not get fed up of not being able to sleep with out the slight chance summit will happen?” he asked, “nope because im always last to go to bed so its usually me pranking bam” I laughed, “ah remind me to go sleep after you then” he said while doing an awkward kind of laugh, “ so any way Mr Purdy what brings you all the way from California to visit Margera?” I asked trying to ease the awkwardness, “same reason as you I guess, except my ex is some pshyco bitch that keeps trying to kill me” he said rather pissed off, “ah shes one of those if I cant have you nobody can kind of girls” he nodded, “so what happened with you ex?” he questioned, “well we had literally just got married and I went to visit Ryan’s grave and ville didn’t trust me so I purposely went and got completely smashed and well ville left, me and bam went to find him in Finland and he pretty much ended it by giving me his wedding ring, and as me and him weren’t legally married im now not married” I started to cry as the pain id hidden deep inside had fought its way back, Ashley came and sat next to me and pulled me into a huge hug, “you give good hugs” I mumbled, “you think my hugs are good you should get one off of CC” he joked, “which you can tomorrow because the guys are coming so we can get a new album written” he said getting up and going out the room, I stayed there rather confused, “Alison, me, Stacey and Ash are going drinking you coming??” Bam shouted from downstairs, “um can do how long do I have to get ready?” I asked, “Half an hour” came the reply, I quickly jumped in the shower, then got dressed, I looked in the mirror while putting my eyeliner on and that’s when I decided it was time for a change tomorrow im going to get my hair bleached blonde and have so many different colours in it, im sick of being some vampire im now going to be me, the new me.


I woke up ages before I knew bam would even think about getting up so it was prank time, I got out all the wrapping paper id been buy and pretty much wrapped everything in his house, I then got a wooden board and put it in front of Bams bed room door, then screwed it in place, it was very think wood so bam would get through it pretty easy, I went down to the kitchen and put the kettle on, I turned around and Ashley was sitting there “fuck me” I jumped “ok” he joked, “how long have you been there” I asked, “well I walked past while you were wrapping the sofa up” he said laughing. “a while then” I said making my cup of tea, “well im going in the living room because I want front row seats of this” Ashley said going up the stairs, I quickly followed, we go there just to in time to hear a bang and bam shout “Alison im gunna kill you” we heard another bang and Bam appeared at the top of the stairs, “What the fuck have you done to my house” he shouted looking around, “it was all Ashley’s idea” I said putting my drink down and running outside, it had been snowing so everywhere was white, I ran to the barn to hide, but then remembered I had made plans for today so I headed back to the house to get some form of payback, but when I got there bam looked way to happy unwrapping everything, so I snuck past him and went upstairs to get changed, I put on my 69eyes t-shirt that I picked up when we were in Finland, a Rasmus hoodie also picked up in Finland and some black skinny jeans from hot topics, I put on some converse then headed downstairs, “Bam can I borrow..” I started “yes” he said throwing the lambo keys at me, “Thank you” I said, “thanks for wrapping my house up its like Christmas except I know what’s in the packages” he squealed like a little girl. “seen as you blamed me im coming with you” Ashley said walking over to me, “I thought the guys were coming” I asked, “they are later, Bams going to pick them up” he answered walking out the door, I followed to find him standing in front of all Bams cars, “which one?” he said pointing, “none of them, iv got the keys for Bams prize possession” I said leading Ashley over to the garage and revealing Bams purple lambo “wow” he said walking to the passenger side, I got in the drivers seat, “hold on to your um I dunno hair?” I said jokingly “though you prob have enough hair spray to keep It like that” I quickly said before I pulled out of the garage and made my way down the snake drive way, as soon as I was on open road I put my foot down “fuck me your no ordinary girl” Ashley said “um maybe later, and that’s cuz im a woman not a girl” I said sticking my tongue out at him, before I knew it we were entering main town West Chester so I slowed down, pulled up to the hair salon I had an appointment at, “well you can either sit in there with me or go exploring just be back by the car in 3 hours?” I said , “il go explore see you in a bit” he said walking away, I went into the salon and was soon seen to a chair, “hello how can I help you today” the gothic girl said from behind me, “well I want my hair like dahvie vanitys” I said, “I see any particular way because he dyes his hair a lot” she said politely, “um how he had it when it was pink and green and black” I answered, she soon got started on the cutting and applying bleach.

 Three hours later

Ashley walked in with star bucks, he handed me an Mango and passion fruit iced tea my favourite, “how” I started “I asked bam” ah I mentally thought, once the hair dresser had finished I was pretty happy with my hair, I paid with the money Bam gave me then headed back to the car, rather then going straight back to Bams we decided to go to the park, its cool knowing that as its snowing we can do what ever.

We sat on the swings talking about everything and anything, we must have sat there for about two hours when my phone went off, I answered it “Ali, you need to come back now, and also we need to go get bvb so get back” Bam said kind of pissed off, “ok Bam on our way” I replied then hung up, after replacing my phone back in my pocket I held my hand out to Ashley who gladly took it, then we walked back to the car. I put my foot down so we could get back quicker, there was a strange car in the driveway so I couldn’t park the car in the garage, I parked the Lambo in front of the door then got out, I could hear Bam shouting at someone and not a normal shout he sounded so angry, Ashley grabbed my hand and lead me in to the house, I stopped when I laid eyes on the person that bam was arguing with, “Ville” Ashley whispered, I took a deep breath and walked over to them, “What are you doing here, don’t you think you have done enough” Ashley said before I could say anything, “whys it to you why im here” ville spat back, id never seen him this bad, I went to walk away but forgot ville was faster then me. 

(Ville valo) you will join me in death you have no choiceWhere stories live. Discover now