Chapter 6: The path

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We all sat at the side of the stage while cradle were playing, once they had finished we all went back to Bams, it was getting light so I went bed, but Bam and the guys stayed up, I woke up about 12 mid day but it was quite dark outside as it was planned to snow, I grabbed my coat and risked going out for a walk, Bam told me where Ryan was buried so I thought id go lay some flowers, it didnt take long to find a shop that sold flowers but it took an hour to walk to ryans grave, it was so peaceful in the cemetery all that could be heard was the odd tweet of a bird or the wind blowing through the trees. I sat down in front of ryans grave laid the flowers and just started talking like he was actually there, “in a way ryan your lucky, your not stuck here in a messed up world forever, Bam really misses you though and I think most of the world do, you were a legend, I just wish I got to meet you I feel id have been able to talk to you like a friend. I need some one to talk to, so Im sorry but your gunna have to listen, I dont know what to do,i dont understand why ville is doing all this, I dont know if hes trying to punish me or if he reaally does love me and he really does want me to forget what happened in the past. Seeing our old school and villes flat yesterday bought back so many memories and I really wish I could change the past, and I really wish I hadnt embarrassed ville in front of every one but I cant marry him, iv not seen him for years and he just appears and demands I marry him, I really dont know what to do, but I dont have a choice because no matter where I go ville will find me, and honestly I dont think I wanna lose him as a friend again. So maybe I should just marry him and just get over it, hes a nice guy ok he can be evil when he wants to, ryan I really dont know what to do, im so confused everythings happening so quickly.” I stopped talking when I snow flake landed on my nose, the snow got heavy quickly so I thought it was time to head back.

Everyone was awake when I got back as it was around 6 at night. “and where have you been?” bam asked when I stepped in the door, “i went to see ryan” I replied as I went upstairs, I sat in my room when there was a knock at the door, “come in” I said, “hey, ville wouldnt do anything to hurt you, it will all be fine and he will look after you” danni said sitting next to me, “hes doing all this to show to you how much you mean to him, and he wants to make you forget about the bad parts of the past and he just want you to remember the good points” he continued, “you were there at the cemetery wernt you?” I asked, “yeah, im like you I hate sleeping through the day, so I tend to spend the day awake, and when I saw you go out I followed to make sure you weren’t on the run” he answered, “ner I have no where to run now, I shared my flat with a friend who attended my funeral and thats in finland, and honestly I like it here for once I feel I fit in” I said staring in to space. “well come get a drink and chill with us lot, your getting married later and you need to be chilled ut happy” danni said leading me out of the room, “thanks danni, can I ask you something?” I whispered, “sure” he answered, “will you walk me down the aisle?” I asked, “sure” he said hugging me, we went and sat with Bam, and the rest of cradle in the kitchen, stacey was still asleep and Lauri was with ville. Though I was dreading tonight I was actually happy, I felt like I actually fitted in. I was handed a vodka and coke and that was when they major drinking began, before stacey woke up I had at least 6 vodka and cokes, 3 glasses of wine and beer, so I was slightly typsie which stacey wasnt happy about, she dragged me up stairs and made me sit down while she got me a glass of water, “as if your typsie and you have to walk down the aisle in 3 hours” she joked, she left the room again to go get something eles, thats when I spotted a photo of me and ville we were in his flat pulling faces at the camera, I started crying when stacey came back in the room, this is a wedding present from ville, she said handing me the box, I opened it and it was a tiny bottle with a red liquid in on a chain, I knew what the liquid was straight away as the smell filled the room. Stacey placed the chain round my neck, “he says you cant take it off you have to carry a piece of him where ever you go” stacey whispered. I sat on my bed for an hour when Bam came up, “i bought you a drink I had to sneek it past stacey though” he joked handing me a vodka and coke, “Bam you have know ville for a while how did he end up like he is” I asked, “well from what I know hes been like it since I met him, people started to notice he wasnt getting any older so he faked his death,” he answered. “And what about you, last time I checked you were threatening to kill some one for putting diesel in your lambo” I joked, “well I got cancer in my liver from over drinking I think, but I told ville and he changed me and lauri well he broke up with his wife and his wife took his child so he tried to kill him self and cille saved him, dont ask me about danni because I dont know” “ I was attacked by some haters and well some one turned me, I dont know who and I dont think I ever will” danni said coming in to the room. We all sat in silence for a bit till Lauri came in the room, “ville has finally finished remind me to never do owt that hes arranging again, we have been everywhere, but it was like really hard to not get noticed town was packed today” lauri collapsed on the bed, he hadnt done his hair yet so it just flopped on his face, his hair had got quite long so I sat there plating it, “Alison stop making me look like a girl” he said sitting up, “to late there lauri” bam said pushing Lauri off the bed. Lauri jumped up and chased bam out the room, me and danni followed as we wanted to see what Lauri would do, but Lauri had disappeared so Bam was sat on the sofa, me and danni watched as Lauri came from the kitchen with a bag of flour, and before you knew it Lauri antiqued bam.

Bam went to clean him self up so I went and stood on the balcony thing he had, it was still snowing and bams garden looked amazing covered in snow, I went and put a coat on and then went into the garden, I layed down in the snow and starred at the sky, it was rather relaxing, when stacey came out to help me get ready I was actually ready to get married. We went in and I got my dress on, stacey helped me into my shoes as I couldnt see them under my dress, she did my hair, and I did hers, I did both of ours make up. We had just finished getting ready when danni came up with flowers, mine and staceys bouquets were made up of red and black roses,and the guys had purple roses for button holes.

(Ville valo) you will join me in death you have no choiceWhere stories live. Discover now