Chapter 11: Sleep walking past hope

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so the flight back to America was taking forever, I wanted to stay in Finland with Lauri but Bam said he lived to close to ville and he thinks we need time apart. I sat staring out the window as Finland finally disappeared below, I was listening to in love and lonely by HIM, I must have fell asleep because bam woke me up saying we were landing. I straightend out my hair as bam said there were reporters around, we all got off the plane and put sunglasses onand hoods up, bam grabbed my hand and pulled me through the sea of reporters. Once we had got out of the airport we all split up,me and bam went in the lamborghini and the others went in the hummer, we thought we had got awayfrom the press but they surrounded Bams, we didnt understand why but we all knew we would find out soon.

Staceys pov

I couldnt believe it they were everywhere, I couldnt walk down the street with out seeing them. I sat in the pirate bar waiting for them to get back, I knew they were here because the reporters had got louder, “Fuck,i just hope they got no snaps of you because that could completely blow everything” Bam said to alison, “they got pleanty of snaps,good thing is most people wont be able to guess who she is” I said walking towards bam,with a news paper in hand, “stacey whats up?” he asked, “isnt it obvious, I get back here and I get told you off some where with Alison then I look in the paper and this is what I see, headliners everywhere saying Margera spotted with mysterious woman” I tried to keep the tears from falling out my eyes but couldnt so I walked out the back and went to the remains of the tree house. Alison came out about 10 minuites later looking rather pissed off. “Stacey, you have got the wrong end of the stick” she said,offering me a cigerette which I happily took, “really, every photo is the same or nearly bam hugging you, bam holding your hand, you asleep on him explain please” I said, “we went to Finland,Bam was trying to help me get ville back, but it didnt work, I know I went through not wanting anything to do withVille but you know what the feelings I had for him came back, but it was too late.” she started crying so I gave her a hug, “its never to late” I said as she put something in my hand, I looked and it was ville wedding ring and I note, “see he said he may come back, you just have to keep your hopes up, ville put too much effort in to give up now, he just needs time to ajust and im sorry I ever doubted you” I said giving her a hug then taking a drag of my cigerrette. “i guess and its ok, im gunna smoke this on the way up, il talk to s you later” she said as she walked back towards the house. I didnt want to go back yet id made a fool of my self and didnt want to risk anargument.

Alison pov

I cant believe stacey would even think that, but I understand as well I have spent a lot of time with Bam, but oh well id be the same I guess. I walked back into bams once id finished my cigerette, to be ambushed with flour, “BAM” I shouted as I caught a glimpse of him running down the stairs towards the pirate bar, hes not going to get away with that, I heard the lambo drive away so I knew he had left, “Stacey,STACEY” I shouted out the door, “what?” she said appearing out of no where, before bursting into laughter “nice look” she managed to get out , “shut up, but this is why I got you in here, right I think every skatebored in the house and cars needs to be hidden, im just not sure where yet” I said trying to dust the flour of me, “we could put them in bams ensuit so when he opens the door its just skateboreds” stacey suggested, “good idea” I agreed, I grabbed all the cars keys and told stacey to start with the living room. I started with the Hummer because I knew he had a least two in there, I grabbed them then put them by the front door, then moved on to the purple lambo as bam had taken the blue one, there was also two skateboreds in there. Well to be honest all the cars had two in, so once id finished with the cars I went and put the boreds in bams ensuite, then headed to the barn where there were at least ten which took ages to move, once I knew there were no more outside I went and took all the spare decks out of the stands in bams room and placed them in the ensuite, before we knew it the house was skateboard free, when bam got back, I waited for him to put the keys to the lambo down then went to get rid of the ones in the caar but there wasnt any so I went back in, and went for a shower, “WHERE ARE ALL MY SKATEBOARDS” was all I could hear, once I was dressed I went to the living room and put the tv on but me and bam were on every channel im just happy no one knows its me. I turned the tv off and just sat listening to bam yelling. “Alison where are they?” he said sitting next to me slightly out of breath, “where are what Bam?” I joked “fine there in your room” I said when he started tickeling me. He ran up the staires and the only thing that could be heard was a loud crash then, “ouch” I ran up stairs to see bam trying not to laugh under a moutain of skateboards and decks, “Very funny Alison, no help im stuck” he said still trying not to laugh, “but if I help you wont learn” I said, “i will I promise I wont antique you again just help me” I thought about it then, grabbed his arms and pulled him out, “i take it this wasnt your idea” he questioned, “well hiding the skateboards was but it was staceys idea to put them in here” Bam gave me a hug then whispered in my ear “ I said I wouldnt get you I didnt say anything about stacey”, “i wanna join in” I said heading for the kitchen.

The next few weeks went pretty quick,they pretty much involved us all pranking each other. Right now though me and bam were waiting for a delivery, while stacey was in the kitchen the door bell rang, bam answered the door then came back with a freezer box full of snow, “you ready” he said passing me the flour, I nodded then we headed downstairs but stacey had gone, so we headed back up stairs, when stacey appeared with a watere gun, Bam kept throwing snow at here but it wasnt working so I ran off towards the front door, when I ran into someone, the some one was now covered in flour but they didnt seem to care, I looked at the persons face and it was....

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