Chapter 5: Gone with the sin

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I paced the room over and over again dreading midnight, I had 3 hours left of being just me but I already felt like ville owned me. I sat on the bed and starred at the dress that hung from the cupboard, it was black, white and red the perfect dress meant for a perfect day not for a day full of dread. I sat starring for ages at the dress trying to think of what ville had planned I hadnt seen him all day. I snapped out of my daze when stacey came in the room, she was happy and looked healthy, “who changed you?” I asked, “Bam” she giggled, “ville refused to so Bam offered” she explained. I sat still starring at the dress, “we best get you ready” stacey said removing the dress from the hanger and helped me into it, I put on the christian laboutin shoes and headed down stairs, stacey was in her dress too, she did my hair in the car and I did mine and hers make up, we were in the car for about 20 mins before we pulled up by a private jet, we got out of the car and got onto the jet, I went and got changed as there was a note saying that we didnt have to wear the wedding stuff yet, once me and stacey were in comfy clothes we headed to the sitting area and turned on the tv, as soon as the tv was on ville was on the screen, “ I know I planned for us to wed tonight but I changed my mind, you are going to Pennsylvania to look back on the one time we were in love, I forgive you for what you did, I just wish you would forgive yourself, we shell marry in two days as it will take 10 hours to get here, when you get here Bam and Lauri will drive you to two places and il see you the next evening, Alison I love you” the video ended. Well thats all I need memories, I fell asleep watching a film stacey put on. I slept the whole flight and was woken by stacey when we landed, I grabbed my dress and shoes and we headed towards Bam and Lauri who where standing by two Lamborghini’s. I got in the on Lauri was going to be driving and stacey happily got in the one Bam was driving. The first place we stopped was the first place I met ville, the school. I walked in and sat in front of where mine and villes lockers used to be....

“Alison, I want you to look after ville valo, hes an exchange student from finland hes here for a year.” the head teacher said. “ok sir” I walked to the scared looking boy standing in reception, he had a certain feminine look about him and I liked it. “hey im alison and im your guide” I said politely. “hi im ville valo” he said in a dreamy accent, “ right the head said we have all the same lessons so you can sit next to me and we can get to know each other” I said leading ville to our first lesson which was science, the day passed so quickly and before I knew it I had to say goodbye to ville, “why dont you come mine I can show you some of them bands I told you about” he suggested, “ok” I said following ville. We ended up at a block of flats we went to the third floor and into the door of one of the flats, it wasnt anything special but there were posters everywhere and a guitar with a stack of paper next to it. “you play?” I asked, “its my life” he said picking up the guitar and taking the first piece of paper of the pile, he looked at it and started playing, his voice was amazing and he played better then id ever heard before. When he stopped playing I hugged him without thinking, “you really are amazing I said”. I went home not long after but I couldnt wait till school the next day, I got up earlier and made sure I looked as good as I could and I set off for school, I met ville by the gates and we walked to lesson together thats where life when wrong, “Alison we didnt see you at all yesterday” came a voice from behind me, “sophie I know sorry, the head said I had to look after the new kid” I replied trying to keep cool. “ well you have looked after the new kid you can come back to your friends now” she said pulling me away from ville, “i'll see you in lesson” I whispered. “om gosh out of all the new kids you get stuck with a creep, I mean seriously you have a reputation to keep does the head not see that” sophie mumbled on, I couldnt stop thinking about ville. A week had passed and I went to villes every night after school, we would listen to music or he would teach me to play guitar, then one night we engraved our names into the wall in his cupboard. I loved life for once I had found some one who was like me. The next day ville put a letter in my locker as I went to read it sophie ripped it out of my hands, “ah the creep has a crush on you, I think we should go ruin his life” she said, my heart stopped knowing I had to do it or I would lose my friends, “yo freak alison has something to say to you” sophie said cunningly, “um ville me and you can never be, we are too different your a freak im popular, you need to go back to the country you came from and never come back no one wants you” I couldnt believe ville stood there and took it. Everyone went to their lesson I went home, I sat starring at the roof crying after a few hours I turned and looked at the photo of me and ville from the other day, I still couldnt believe what I did. I dreaded the next day at school but ville wasnt there, it was only like a month till the end of school but ville had gone, I went to his flat after school but there was no sign of him......

“Alison, you ok?” I snapped out of concentration, to see stacey in front of me, “yeah im fine” I said wiping the tears from my face, “lets go to the last place then we can go back and sleep” I knew where we were going ville's old flat. I knew what room it was but the whole place looked dead, I went straight to villes bedroom and there in the cupboard was our names, I traced the names and started crying again who thought the dead could still cry. I requested to leave straight away so we went back to the cars “can I drive?” I asked Lauri, “yeah ok but you will have to follow my directions cuz bam speeds and you will never keep up” he said, “you wanna bet” I played, I got in the drivers seat and bam spead off first but I was right behind him. We ended up at a big house that id seen on the tv so many times, it was castle bam. “right this was ryan's room so Alison be carful with it please” bam said, “yeah I will, Ryan was a legend” I said hugging Bam, I went into the room and there was a suitcase with a letter on top it read : “Alison, I hope the journey didnt upset you to much but I hope it bought back at least a little bit of what you felt for me all them years back, and I forgave you for all that shit you were young so was I, you need to forgive your self now. One last thing I love you. Ps I bought you some new clothes” I opened the suitcase and pulled out some nightwear, went in the shower and then went to bed, I was woken the next night by Stacey “me and bam are together” she screamed with joy, “nice but if hes owt like when he was human he will cheat” I said. “i know but I dont care” she screamed, she pulled me out of bed and dragged me toa familiar looking living room with the huge photo of HIM still on the wall, we went down some more staires and went into the kitchen, “tea” bam said handing me a cup, “will we see ville today??” I asked, “no sorry hes still making sure you will never forget the wedding” Bam replied. “ok, oh I hate this only being awake at night thing, theres never anything to do” I said sitting down, “cradle of filth have a concert tonight and I may have got us all a ticket each” bam said waving some tickets in front of me “eeeeekkk I love cradle” I screamed, “i have backstage passes as well, as danni is the same as us” he whispered. I ran upstairs and opened up the suitcase, I grabbed a black and red corset, black tights and a pleated skirt, I did my hair and make up and went back downstairs, “right we are off, whos driving there?2 bam asked, “i will” I said, “ thats fine, I dont drink so I can drive you back” Lauri said leading us to Bams Hummer. We got to the venue and bam lead us back stage, “right, guys this is alison and this is stacey” bam introduced, “ so you are Villes vampire bride” danni joked,

(Ville valo) you will join me in death you have no choiceWhere stories live. Discover now