Where history comes to life

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"Damn it, damn it, damn it! I'm going to be late on my first night!" I ran across the park, carrying my backpack on my right shoulder. I had two minutes. 

"MADE IT!" I yelled as I slipped into the front doors of the museum. I heard a loud clang towards my right. "L-Larry?" I looked cautiously around the corner before turning. 

"BULLY!" He suddenly popped out from behind a post.

"AAAAAHHHHHH, FUUUU.......dge, fudge." I bend over clutching my chest. "God Larry, you trying to give me a heart attack?" He chuckled. He gave me a tour of the place, and said that he was going to grab some coffee nearby, and gave me a flashlight. Then left.

Okay, shouldn't be too hard... right? 

I walked around doing nothing, and in five minutes, I was already bored. I had left my note sheet at home. Damn, I should've used this time to study. 

I walked around, and decided to stay in the front area, I sat down at the front desk, my eyes scouting the place. I noticed something wrong in the atmosphere. I scouted the area again and saw nothing wro- wait, where was the dinosaur skeleton?

"Larry, very funny, come out now..." I froze, as I heard something behind me. I turned slowly, and saw, a very lively, and not dead, dinosaur skeleton. 

I wasted no time, and bolted to my right. I ran and ran, until I thought I lost it.

"What the hell?!" I muttered.

"Don't swear, dum, dum." A deep, and goofy voice said behind me. 

I turned to see the easter island artifact... stone face thing staring right back at me. 

I bolted, again. I turned right and saw... a tin man, that looked exactly like Christopher Columbus. I tried my luck. 

"SIR, please, can you tell me what's going on?" I begged him, hoping he had an answer. He spoke in some other language. I cursed under my breath.

He pointed behind him. I saw many men and women, and animals walking around. Strange thing was, they were all from the museum. They were artifacts from the museum. 

I sighed, I wasn't going to question this phenomenon. My head already hurt. I suddenly remembered something. If even the animals were coming to life... there were lions. Lions in the museum. 

I heard a weird war cry, and turned to see some, fat, vikings? No, more like vikings from Asia. They had axes, so... again, I bolted. 

I turned a corner, and saw that it was a dead end. The viking guys ran towards me, the leader with his axe outstretched. 

I looked to my right and saw a club on display. I grabbed it and blocked the axe.

"You know, I think there's a saying; If someone comes at you with a big stick, come at them with an even bigger stick." I yelled and knocked him on the head. 

I ran into a hallway, and looked left, it seemed to be safe. I stayed there for a while, until I could catch my breath. I heard a growl beside me, and swore I'd kill Larry later. I didn't need to look to find out it was a lion. I looked anyway. There were about three or four, all with sharp, jagged teeth. Welp, I'm dead.

I was not a long distance runner, so I headed for the nearest entrance. 

It was dark, but I could make out two, large statues, they were Egyptian statues. I ran in further, only to find the Pharaoh's tomb and a tablet. I was in another dead end. 

The lions had caught up, and they were backing me up into a corner. I had nowhere left to run. To help that fact, my Anxiety started kicking in, and I went into a panic attack. 

The whole room felt like it was collapsing onto me, and suffocating me. I couldn't move. It was like my lungs were on fire. The lions bared their teeth, and all I could do was stay there, frozen. 

A lion pounced at me, and my instincts kicked in. I tried to wrestle with it, for some reason. 

Now kids, lions have claws, and sharp teeth. Human however, do not.

It swiped its paw at me, and cut my arm with its claws. The pain was unbearable. Blood dripped down, and the other lions stared in hunger. 

Wow, I was going to die here, by an artifact of a museum, as a night guard. I laughed at the thought. 

I wasn't a nurse or anything, but even I could tell I was losing too much blood. I was slowly blacking out. The lion pounced again, but before he could make contact, I heard something slam open, and a voice, commanding them to stop. 

I faintly saw the outline of what seemed to be a Prince or something. I must be dreaming. This all has to be a dream... right?  

Beyond Reality - night at the museum - Ahkmenrah x OCWhere stories live. Discover now