Hoping For A Miracle

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He was already dead. He couldn't die again... could he? 

I watched as the medics hurried to place him onto the trolley and roll him into the vehicle. One of the medics stayed behind and gave me a blanket, suggesting I go home and relax. How could I? The one person who mattered the most in my life was slowly drifting out of it. However, I couldn't argue with a fully licensed medic, and started my way home. I took step after step, like a robot. I felt tears pool in my eyes until they finally spilled over, just like the bundle of emotions I had been hiding away. 

I felt a drop of cold water land on my head and looked up. The sky closed up and started to rain. Pouring. Even the heavens were crying. It didn't take long for the rain to completely block my view and soak my clothes completely. 

He was gone. And it was all my fault. 

I made my way back to my... no, our apartment. Everything seemed to have lost its color. Lost its joy. I leaned against the wall for support and slowly made my way back to our bedroom. I collapsed onto the bed, not bothering to dry off. 

I could almost hear him frantically trying to get me to go dry off first, worried that I'd get a cold. I looked to his side of the bed and my heart dropped when all I saw was an empty space. I rolled over to his side and lay there. Face down. It smelled like him. Lavender with a slight wisp of the summer breeze.

I turned back over to stare at the ceiling and felt something hard underneath the pillow. I reached my hand under and pulled out a tiny black box. I gasped and my tears came once again. 

I opened it and found, the most beautiful ring with a single white rose made of diamonds in the center. 

I stared at the ring. Just stared. 

I pulled at my hair and yelled and screamed. This couldn't be happening. Why? WHY?

I couldn't lose him.

"Ahk, y-you selfish idiot. Y-you can't leave me alone. Y-you promised!" I yelled and curled up into a tiny ball.

He couldn't leave me alone. 

I didn't want to be alone. 

Darkness started to envelop me, darkness. There was no light. No color. Just darkness. 

I faded into a restless sleep.

Hoping. Hoping for a miracle...

But miracles aren't real, are they?

Because life isn't fair...

And Death. takes. everything.



Thank you guys so, so much!! Over 800 views? This is BLOWING my mind! You guys are seriously awesome, and I apologize for hitting you with them feels right in this chapter, but trust me, things are about to get better. Just you wait. (Hamilton reference


Me... (~Sky~)

Beyond Reality - night at the museum - Ahkmenrah x OCWhere stories live. Discover now