The new exhibit

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*Snow's POV*

"We have a new exhibit? An Egyptian princess named... Aziza." I stared at the tomb in the room beside Ahk's. I had a weird feeling about her. Larry nodded. "Wonder if Ahk knows her." 

The sun went down, and Ahk came up behind up, hugging me. "Hello. What do we have here? Aziza... why does that sound familiar? Aziz - OH SH!T. F***." I rarely heard Ahk swear, so this was a start. Before I could question him, Aziza climbed out of the tomb. She had long black hair, and a hell ton of makeup on. She had a simple, green Egyptian dress on. "Hi...? Can you please tell me where I am?" Her voice was seductive and... almost unsettling. Something about her set off my anxiety meter. Larry explained about the whole museum thing, and how she was dead, and blah blah blah. 

"By the way, this is our friend Ahkmenrah, fourth king of the fourth king, ruler of the land of his father, pharaoh, prince/king, etc." Larry smiled. Aziza's eyes lit up when she saw Ahk. She ran over to him and hugged him. "Ahky, long time no see, huh?" Ahk looked uncomfortable. 

"Hey, Aziza, I'm Snow, and uh, how exactly do you know Ahk, may i ask?" I was refraining myself from peeling her off of Ahk, and then beating the heck out of her. 

She giggled. "Silly, he was my boyfriend back when we were alive." 

My heart shattered, into tiny shards that pricked everywhere. It hurt, everywhere. Of course, how fitting, a prince and a princess. 

"Oh. Nice, I'm his... acquaintance." I replied looking at the ground. "Excuse me, I have... something to do." I ran out before my demeanour could break. I found a bench and sat down on it. I let the tears fall from my eyes, I kept quietly sobbing, I had mastered that skill from when my panic attacks were severe. 

"Come on, if you keep crying like that you'll flood the ground." I looked beside me to see Jed and Octavius. I wiped away my tears and smiled. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked. "We should be asking you that, nevertheless, I think you need to see this." Octavius handed me a piece of paper ripped from my Egyptian history textbook. It was on Aziza. 

'Aziza was a princess who could inflict fear and stress upon someone by just a flick of her hand. She only cared about money, and the throne, she was desperate to become a queen, and took her chance with the prince at the time, Ahkmenrah. At first, she earned his trust by acting nice and kind, however, Ahkmenrah's brother, Kahmunrah saw through her act, and tried to rid of her. In exchanged, she put a spell on Kahmunrah, trapping him under the urge to gain power, to love power, turning him evil, and against his family. A while after Ahkmenrah won the battle between him and his brother, Aziza took this chance while Ahkmenrah's guard was down, and killed him by poison. His parents refused to give her the throne and their fortune, and Aziza bound herself to a spell, so that she could come back to life later on, and reclaim the world.'

"Shoot, this is bad." I frantically stood up, almost knocking Jed and Octavius off the bench. "Indeed." Teddy walked up behind me. "We need to remind Ahkmenrah of how he died." Sacajawea walked in. 

"And we think you should go tell him." Jed finished. "WHAT? I don't think I could even face him." I stared at the ground. Octavius jumped onto my leg. "Ahk's life is at risk. So please, you are the one he'll listen to the most." I looked at him, then sighed. "Fine, but you better be ready to intercept if I start crying for no reason." Teddy nodded. 

We walked over to where Ahk and Aziza were. The others hid behind the large stone face. 

"Hey, Ahk... can I, discuss the uh..." I looked over at Aziza, she looked like she was suspicious. "... arrangement for the... lights. Rexy is getting tired of bumping into them." I looked back at Ahk, making sure not to make eye contact. 

Beyond Reality - night at the museum - Ahkmenrah x OCWhere stories live. Discover now