Familiar enemy

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Holy Hamilton, 200 views? Thank you guys so much!! This means so much to me! 😊Thank you!!  




My head snapped up. It was Snow's voice. I bolted into the kitchen with my tablet in hand, ready to fend off whatever danger there was. 

"KILL IT AHK, KILL IT!" Snow yelled pointing towards the corner of the room. 

"Holy mother of me. That is a gigantic spider." I stared at the terrifying thing in front of me. It was the size of my hand. I moved to the other side of the room and grabbed the cutting board. "Three... two... ONE!" I threw the cutting board onto the hideous thing. 

"There we go. It's dea-" I paled and stared under the cutting board. There was nothing there. I stumbled back and looked around the room. "Uh... where'd it go?" I started to worry. Snow wasted no time and pulled me out of the kitchen. "Aw, HELL TO THE NAW. I'm not staying here. Let's go out for lunch together." She grabbed a purple hoodie and a grey coat and pulled me out of the apartment. She handed me the coat and pulled on the purple hoodie. 

Either I was really short, or the coat was Sherlock Holmes'. It dragged down to my ankles and trailed behind me when I walked, making Snow snicker every few minutes. 

We walked down the busy street and into a 'mall'. Snow grabbed a map and looked around. "So, Chinese, American, or Indian restaurant?" She stared at me. "American... I guess?" I shrugged. We walked into this nice steakhouse and the waiter sat us down at a table in the corner. I ordered a steak and Snow ordered a salad. 

"You trying to make me feel fat?" I laughed when her salad came. She smirked, "Maaaaybe." I reached over and stole a bit of her salad. "See, I'm healthy, too." I smiled. "Hey!" She protested and reached over to steal some of my steak. Her fork suddenly dropped and fell into my glass of water, sending water splattering all over my shirt and face. It was silent for a few seconds, until she burst into laughter at the expression on my face. "Hey!!" I dipped my fingers into the water and flicked them towards her. 

"That's cold!! Stop it!" She laughed. I stared into her beautiful sparkling eyes and felt myself slowly leaning towards her. The gap between our lips closed, and time seemed to freeze. The kiss was gentle and her lips tasted like strawberry. 

I finally pulled away after a few minutes and ran my hand through my hair. "Well... that was nic-" I was interrupted by a man in a blue suit and short blonde hair. "Snow? Wow, it's been so long... I missed you." He smiled and sat down uninvited next to Snow. "Hey... Hunter." Snow squirmed uncomfortably. He payed no attention and draped his arm around her. "So, you wanna go out sometime? You know, catch up?" He was about to say something else when I coughed. He shot me an irritated look. "Uh, hey. I'm Ahk, her boyfriend. Nice to meet you." I held out my hand. 

He ignored me and went on with flirting with Snow. "Uh, hey! I know a great ice cream place we could go to. Considering how you haven't had dessert yet." He stood up and started pulling Snow towards him. "No, no, I'm good. Thanks. Let go." She pulled back. He didn't stop dragging her towards the door. "Come on." He grunted. 

I had lost my patience by then and with a flick of my wrist, sand came out of nowhere and slashed at his wrists. "She said, LET GO." I yelled and the sand fastened his hands over his head and dragged him into the wall. I dropped my wrist and the sand stopped. He stumbled away from the wall with his wrists and nose bleeding. His eyes were wide and wild. "S-stay away from me!" He yelled and ran out of the restaurant. 

"Hey. Are you okay?" I lifted Snow's chin up and stared at her, trying to see if she was hurt. "Y-yeah. Thanks. I just....need some air." She threw down some money onto the table and rushed out of the door.

I was sitting on a bench in the middle of a park. It was pouring, but I didn't care. Hunter's appearance had brought back so many bad memories that I had wished to forget, and a wave of emotions, but none of them were fond of him. Hunter was like a cloud of darkness looming over me. He made me remember my loneliness. My fears. My pain. I sighed as all of it came back to me. "I'm still alone." I murmured. 

"No you're not."

I felt the rain suddenly stop, and looked up to see Ahk holding and umbrella over me. 

He said nothing, but his presence alone was enough to chase off that dark cloud. 

He was right. I wasn't alone. 

I had him.

Beyond Reality - night at the museum - Ahkmenrah x OCWhere stories live. Discover now