Chapter 36- EP's and #idk

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"W-what?" Aria asked.

"You and Mason." I explained. "Do I need to explain this again?"

"No, I got it." Aria shook her head. "I'm just not sure if it's a good idea."

"Why wouldn't it be?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. If she liked him, shouldn't we try to get them together?

"I-I don't know."


"Taylor!" I laughed. "Not the time to quote from 5SOS songs."

"B-But it's my favorite!" She pouted. "And it went along with what she said!"

"Fine." I said, knowing she had a good point. "But still, everyone's asleep."

"Whatever." Taylor mumbled, putting her headphones in and listening to 'Disconnected' rather than yelling it.

"Anyway." Aria brought me back.

"Oh yes. On with the conversation." I smiled. "How do you think we go about this?"

"I'm still not one hundred percent about this."

"C'mon Aria! You're 15-"

"Not for two more weeks." She reminded me.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "Still, please? It's what teenagers do! Go after their crushes."

"If this doesn't work, you're dead."

"Yay! I promise, this will be fun!" I exclaimed. "First day we get back from break, the project starts! So that means you need to do some planning while I'm in Idaho tomorrow!"

"By myself? Ryan, that's not fair."

"You wont have to do it alone. You have Tay."

"She'll be with Kai probably." Aria folded her arms across her chest.

"What about Faye?" I asked. Oh yeah, did I mention that the same people who took Faye are the same ones who adopted Ari?

"She's two!"

"Brock's three, and he helps with stuff." I shrugged.

"Yeah, with chores. Not relationship problems."

"Whatever." I mumbled and rolled my eyes. "Can we talk about this in the morning, I'm getting tired."

"Sure." Aria yawned and closed her eyes as she climbed into her sleeping bag. Taylor was already asleep with her headphones in her ears. I could still make out Luke Hemmings' voice from across the room.


"Bye guys!" I yelled to my friends as they walked out to their parents.

I walked back into the kitchen and grabbed some cereal.

"Sup, Loof-Face?" I asked Emmi when I entered the kitchen.

"Breakfast." She mumbled through the glob of Lucky Charms in her mouth.

"I can see that." I nodded, smirking.


"YET WE'RE SO DISCONNECTED!" I yelled as I walked down the stairs in my church clothes.

"Can you please be less obnoxious?" Gavin asked.

"Dude, do you realize what family we live in?" I laughed. "That's impossible."

"You're impossible." I heard him mumble.

"Excuse me, what was that?" I smirked, cupping my ear.

"Guys, stop the bickering." Mom shook her head. "We have to get to the airport."

And the journey to Idaho begins.


I pat the plane with my right hand while my left held my carry-on bag with my laptop and stuff in it.

"I call sitting with Ry!" Avia yelled, dragging me to the seats by my right hand, almost knocking me over in the process.

"But I wanted to!" Emmi pouted. "It's my turn!"

"On the way back, Emmi. It's Avia's turn." Mom reasoned.

"Fine." She mumbled, stomping to her seat on the plane, throwing her bag down next to her.

"Emmi!" Mom sternely said to her, "You cannot keep behaving like this all the time! what has gotten into you lately?"

"Nothing." Emmi mumbled yet again, earing a groan from Mom in response.

"Emmi, seriously, what's wrong?" Mom asked, folding her arms across her chest.

"Avia spends more time with Ryan!" She sobbed. "It's not fair!"

"Well I like to hang out with her! What can I do about it?" Avia retaliated. She was now up and standing in the aisle. Luckily, we were in the back, and she wasn't blocking anyone.

"Let me play too?!" Emmi yelled back.

"Guys! There are other people on this plane!" Dad got into the conversation. "You need to be respectful of them and your siblings and be quiet! Emmi, go sit by the window where Ryan is. Avia, sit in the aisle seat. Ryan, you're in the middle."

The girls did as told and sat down, arms still crossed. "I'm not talking to you." Avia pointed at Emmi when Mom and Dad weren't looking.

"Avia!" I whispered harshly at my sister. "Be nice to Emmi! She's younger than us!" I hugged Emmi, who was now crying softly.

"I don't wanna." Avia shook her head. "She's selfish."

"I am not!" Emmi retaliated.

"Are t-"

"Guys! What happened to 'no fighting'?" Dad whispered loudly to to two bickering girls.

"Whatever." Avia said, pulling out her Kindle, and putting her headphones in. Emmi copied her actions, while i sat there bored.

Then it hit me.

One word.


I had been trying to watch as much of it as I could since my new friend Charlie had gotten me addicted. For the first few episodes, and maybe even now, I would sit there and smile like an idiot or do a wierd sort of victory dance whenever Finn and Rachel had a cute little moment... I am normal, I swear.

At least I think I am..

I pulled out my laptop and pulled up iTunes. Luckily, I had bought all the seasons possible before-hand, so I could always be prepared.

Maybe I am a little whacked up...

I clicked on the episode I left off on, the one where Rachel lost her voice, and fell into my little Glee fandom.


A/N- So hello guys.... *laughes nervously* so yeah, i promised a chapter last week, but i went somewhere over spring break and was busy packing..

Any of you out there like Glee? I just recently started watching it (like Ry, lol) and am at the end of season 1......yeah lots of catching up to do..

If you do watch it, who's your favorite couple? i really love Finn and Rachel! And yes, i do realize he's dead now *cries* and dont give me any spoilers..i wanna watch and find out! my friend Carah already gave me a bunch!

Anyways... ilysm and wfyl!

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