Chapter 63- A Shaytards Christmas Special!

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The annual Butler gathering was hosted at our house this year, something out of the ordinary. Everyone was here, buzzing about the pajamas that Grandma had hidden in Mom and Dad's room. It's quite insane.

"I want them to be footies!" Emmi giggled, her and Avia were discussing their matching set they'd have. "Those are my favorite kinds!"

"Same." Avia agreed. "Those are super cozy."

"Ryan? Do you have a kind you'd like?" Brailee asked me.

I shrugged, then shook my head. "No, not really."

I honestly didn't mind what my pajamas looked like, contrary to the rest of the kids. Everyone in the house decided it was the highlight of Christmas, and last year was even worse. I remember how the girls were buzzing about it for weeks.

“Little boys! Go to Grandma!” Mom called for the boys from the hall, and Brock, Cooper, and Gage eagerly followed.


Everyone was chilling around the house, while I had the girls in my bedroom.

We were plotting a Christmas surprise.

We were sitting on my bed, all decked out in our pajamas. The younger girls had the footies that they had hoped for, but Brailee had to cut the feet off since she was too tall.

It made for a laugh.

I was wearing simple pink pajamas, like Mom's.

"Why do you need us again?" Avia groaned. "It's almost eight, and Santa comes soon!"

"Well-" Emmi cut me off.

"Yeah! We don't have much time!"

"He's not coming until your asleep. You could fall asleep at six in the morning, and he'd still come." Brailee silenced them. "Ryan? You were saying?"

"Thank you, Brai. I was thinking, what could we give to our parents that would make them happy on Christmas?"

"My life!" Avia shouted and grinned. "I mean, I'm amazing after all."

"You're just shelfish, Av." Emmi stuck her tongue out at her older sister.

"Selfish, Em." I told her, in hopes that the second time would work.

"Whatever." Emmi mumbled. "What are we doing?"

"We're gonna sing." I smirked.

"Of course." Brailee rolled her eyes playfully. "When do we not?"

"You have some sass for a ten year old." I remarked.

"I get it from Avia." Brailee shrugged.

"But she's younger than you..." I trailed off, then shook my head. "You know what? Never mind. We're singing Sparrow in the Birch."

"Ooh, Mommy's song!" Emmi squealed, getting to where she sits for our covers. "C'mon, guys! Hurry up!"

Five minutes later, we were singing in front of my camera.

"Sing Sing, sparrow in the birch
Through the winter morning
Ring Ring, Bells of the Church
Ding dong ding dong
While the first frost settles on
Its new-found throne over the town
To the faint, sweet sound of children
Singing in a round

Oh little winter bird sing merrily
Merrily sing your song today
Oh little snowbird sing of peace
For this is Christmas day

Sing Sing, sparrow in the birch
Through the winter morning
Ring Ring, bells of the church
Ding dong ding dong
Wrap the scarves and pull the hats on
Join the dance down on the old pond
While the morning frost clings to the branches
In a fight against the sun
And the sound of carols can be heard by everyone

Oh little winter bird sing merrily
Merrily sing your song today
Oh little snowbird sing of peace
For this is Christmas day

Sing Sing, sparrow in the birch
Ring Ring, bells of the church
Stoke the fire and light the candle
Hang the stockings from the mantle
While the old year shimmers in
Her last few moments on the earth
And the children's eyes all gleam
To hear the story of impossible birth."

"Okay, we're going to watch a movie now! Bye!" Avia grabbed the other two's hands and dragged them to the other room.

I got to editing the song's video.


"Santa came! Santa came!" Brock jumped on top of me the next morning, screaming as loud as possible.

I groaned, rolling over to face the little devil. I opened an eye, seeing Dad behind him with the camera.

"Merry Christmas, my beautiful daughter?" He tried, and I shook my head, laying back down. Brock stormed from the room, and Dad followed him out. "She's not a morning person guys, even on Christmas."

I let myself soak in the glory of my bed for a new more minutes before forcing myself to the other room, where the kids were sitting by the stairs.

"She finally awakes from her grave!" Gavin called.

"That means she's a zombie!" Avia shrieked, falling to the ground.

"You're all idiots." I mumbled before walking up the stairs with Emmi.


The present situation was hilarious to watch. The kids got tons of more expensive things, like iPods and Karoke machines that also played movies.

I got an iPad, which made me very excited. There was already a bunch of songs and movies on there, ones that I would enjoy very much. I got a bunch of other things too, like movies and XBox games.

Gavin, Brock, and I got stuff for skiing and snowboarding, too. Dad kept going on and on about how we needed to get up on the mountain, and I was excited for it.

The girls got a giant doll house from Mom as well, complete with rooms for their American Girls.

Brock and Daxton got a train table, and Gavin was getting a Tech Deck ramp.

I got my own four wheeler. Yup, a four wheeler.

Definitely using that with Dad soon.

Merry Christmas, from me to you!


okay, so the reason i couldn't update was from wattpad being a butt, and saying i had to get rid of one of my tags for this book.

a whole week of me being confused, and that was the reason.

whatever, it's fixed now.


best holiday present this year?


either this really comfy chair i got or the new 1d movie XD

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