Chapter 48- Sleepovers and Songs

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a/n- I'm baack!

Happy Birthday Babytard!


It was Monday, and Mom, Dad, and Daxton had just gotten back from Vlogger Fair. Emmi's birthday was tomorrow, and she was super excited to be turning seven.

I was in my room, messing around with the strings on my guitar, when Gavin walked in.

"Hey, little bro." I chuckled, motioning for him to come in. "What's up?"

Gavin laughed and stood in front of me. "Mom wanted me to let you know that Kaiden was staying here for a couple days."

Immediatley, I felt my face heat up. "What, why?"

Gavin shrugged. "His parents are taking the girls to some princess show, and wanted to send him here."

"Oh." I blushed. "Okay then."

"He'll be here in an hour!" Gavin called from the hall, and I fell back onto my bed.

Kaiden and I had gone on four more dates in the past two weeks. He hadn't kissed me or anything like that either, much to Avia's disapointment. Only on the cheek again. I guess you could say we're 'dating', but we haven't put any labels on it.

"I heard that someone's crush is staying the night!" Emmi sang, running into the room and jumping onto the bed. "Are you gonna get it ooonnn?"

"Um, no." I scooted back farther. "And you're six, how do you know what that means?"

"I'll be seven tomorrow." She crossed her arms. "And I know from channel surfing when Mom and Dad are busy."

"You little rebel." I tease, and then beging tickling her. She laughed her funny laugh and pleaded for me to stop, which I did, after a few more tickles.

"Anyway." Emmi said afterI stopped tickling her. "So he's sleeping over?"

"Yep." I said. "So please leave so I can compose myself."

"Fine. No need to be pushy." She held her hands up in defense as she backed away.

I sighed as I the bedroom door closed. Two days with Kaiden.


"Avia, Emmi!" Dad yelled down the the garage, where the two younger girls were playing Simon Swipe. "Lunch is ready!"

I sat down at the counter, beginning to munch on my turkey sandwich.

"So Kaiden will be here soon, we all need to be on our best behavior." Mom said, glancing at Avia and Emmi. Before Avia began to speak, Mom did again. "And No, Avia, you may not go and try anything between Ry and him."

"Fine." Avia mumbled, going back to eating her peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"And Emmi, same goes for you, young lady." Dad said, making Emmi do the same as Avia.

"I play with Kaiden?" Brock asked excitedly, making us smile.

"Yeah, bud. You can play with him as long as you want." Dad laughed, making Brock cheer and sip in his apple juice.

A knock on the door silences us, and Dad got up to let Kaiden in.

"Hey, Kaiden. The kids are eating lunch, so you can join them if you want." Dad said, as the two walked into the kitchen.

Kaiden set his bag on the couch as he came over. "No thanks, I already ate before this." Our eyes met and I blushed on instinct, squriming slightly in my seat.

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