Prologue -- Vampyres in Werepyre

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I sighed, "Danny Cline is so freaking hot..." I watched as Mr. Hot-and-really-nice was talking to a teacher down by the nurse's office. 

"Come on Vicky! I thought you said he was a jerk." my BFF, Michelle, said to me. Clearly, she thinks the only hot guy in the world is Taylor Lautner.  

"Hey, not anymore. He is the hottest dang guy in the whole universe." I argued, steering us away from Danny. 

"Well, I think he's a jerk. Remember that we both saw him making out with Katy Sanford in the janitor's closet?" she said as we walked down the hall. 

"So? That was three months ago. He's not a jerk anymore..." if only she knew what I was about to say... 

"And why not?" She stared me down, and we stopped in front of the girl's bathroom. 

I looked at her perfectly weird hazel eyes. "Michelle, he asked me out Wednesday."  

"Oh. My. Gosh! You have to tell me how!" her eyes went huge. She pulled me into the girls bathroom. Good thing today is Friday and school was out or else I would be surrounded by a whole bunch of girls asking me questions and screaming their faces off. Lovely thought.

"Okay. So, that night he asked if I wanted to see a movie at his place on Friday - today - and go out to eat after." I made it simple just to show I was hiding something up my sleeve. 

"Oh come on! I want some juicy details! When and what are you guys seeing? Where are you guys eating?" She grabbed onto my shoulders, shaking me softly. There's Misha' for yah'! Talk about desperate..

"Tonight, Danny and I are gonna see 'The Notebook' at seven, and we're going to eat at Sam Snead's!" I squealed and we both jumped up and down in excitement.  

Michelle stopped for a second, and hooked her elbow with mine like she always did to get my attention. "Oh. My. Gosh. The Notebook?... Sam Snead's? Victoria Dakota Lankford, you absolutely have to tell me all about it!" we giggled as we walked out of the bathroom to see him leaning on the doorjamb smirking at me. We laughed. 

"Hey Vicky... Michelle" he nodded at us when he said our names one at a time. He grabbed my wrist and slowly pulled me to him. My elbow slid from Michelle's and we held hands. 

"Hey Danny" I knew my face was flushed a bright cherry red as I looked up at him. 

"Yo lovebirds, I'm going. So... see you later? Um, bye Vicky...Danny" she grabbed my arm. "Honey, you got to tell me when you kiss him!" she whispered into my left ear. 

I giggled. "Bye, Vanilla. See you when I see you!" I said automatically. 

"Bye, Caramel. See you when I see you" she said as she left. She looked back at us before disappearing around the corner. 

"I'm guessing she knows about tonight?" he looked down at me and put his arm around my waist. We walked down the hall towards the double doors. 

"You could say that." I said lamely. "Hey do you wanna ride home with me? My parents don't get home until five forty-five and I can drive you to your house." we stopped just outside. 

"I'd love to! But I gotta' ask my dad first. Hold on a sec." he pulled his phone out of his pocket and started texting.  

I leaned against the wall of the school , pulled out my bottle of red monster, and hummed "Lonely Nation" by Switchfoot. While I drank my favorite monster, he walked to me with a cute cocky grin on his face.  

"My dad said I could, as long as I get home in time to get ready for when you come over plus im gonna pick you up from your house anyways, so I need to know where you live, too" he chuckled and grabbed my hand turning us towards the parking lot. 

I got the keys of my silver VW Beetle out from my jacket pocket and ran to the driver's side. "I love my Bug! It's so cool when I drive by and people start punching each other" I heard myself say. Oh my gosh did I just say that? That was so embarrassing... 

He laughed "You are so random sometimes. That's what makes you cute" he smiled at me from the passenger's seat. 

"Thanks so much. You know," I was more talking out of the need to talk about something when I was taking the two minutes to drive home "my uncle says thank you very big instead of very much. He's from the Philippines so he isn't all the way fluent in English." we laughed.


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