Chapter 2: Kidnapping

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gosh, sorry i haven't post in forever! wow...

its cuz i got this sh*tload of a sched. and ughhh i hate eighth grade... too much homework for my taste...

comment, like, tweet, and vote! i <3 feedback!

hope yuu like it.^.^.


Chapter 2:


"Okay, Danny, start from the beginning of what you said. You have to do what?" I mean, I heard him, what he had said, but I just needed to make sure I didn't hear him wrong. Or hear him say something silly like he needed to turn me into a vampyre.

"I have to change you. Well, I know it sounds kind of strange, even scary. There are some consequences and a whole bunch more life-long benefits!"he said, making himself look paranoid, trying to reassure me the better things of being a vampyre. "There's the ability to see in the dark, super-human strength, good-looks, heightened senses, telepathy, and even special abilities." he paused, letting the words settle in for me.

"Special abilities? Like what do you mean by a 'special ability'? like super-natural powers? ...affinity?" i smiled. enjoying myself.

"Yes. well, mine is like time warp" he said matter-of-factly. he leaned back and put his hands behind his head, looking proud of himself.

"Time warp? oh my gosh! like you can pause time? go in the future? in the past? can you change the past?" my curiosity burst into 20 Questions.

"Uh... yes, time warp. yes, i can pause time, see glimpses of the future, of the past, and no, i cannot change the past." he laughed a bit while i gawked at him like an alligator with its mouth open.

"That's just..... AWESOME!" i jumped up and down in my seat. "can you, you know.... slow down time or fast forward?" i said. honestly curious.

He laughed, "Yes I can. I only tried slowing time once, but I know I can. I sped up a few times. It was hilarious! I can rewind time only a little bit, but I'll get better and better at time warp as I go through the change."

"Wow...' I sat there starstruck.

"There is one more thing." he said, "I have to take you to Bermuda."

"What about those suspicions about the Bermuda Triangle?" okay, so i didn't really believe in that crap, but the mentioning of actually going there kinda worried me just a bit...

"Oh, that is just a cover-up so that nobody would go there and do something stupid, like try to kill some vampyres." he shook his head in disgust.

"Oh... well, how are we gonna get there, when, and where in Bermuda are we going?"

"We're going by plane, of course, in about a month," he said immediately and smiled, "private jet." he nodded his head and leaned back.

I fake laughed for a second and stopped, "explain, please," just as he was about to say something, i added, "and WHERE are we going in Bermuda???"

"There is a place there called Werepyre," he started, leaning forward and clasping his hands together, "it is a small island there that is where royalty lives and where the Vampyre Academy is, as known by vampyres, anyways. I don't know what hu-others call it," I noticed he almost said 'humans' and stopped himself and said 'others' instead.

"Vampyre Academy?" I asked, "like a school for vampyres?" I smile, amused.

"That's exactly what it is, actually," he chuckled, "I go there, and I have 'been' going there ever since I was Marked. That was... about three months ago. I can still remember the day, although i don't remember anything from when I was unconscious..." his mouth formed a frown and his eyebrows pulled together.

I gave him a questioning look, "You got... Marked?" my eyebrows came together in confusion; I pulled my hair behind my right ear.

"You didn't know that's how...?" his question trailed off into a question, and he cocked his head to the side as if he were trying to hear something off in the distance, "I can explain later when we actually have time to play 20 Questions. By the way, you grandma is coming over to check up on you before your mom comes home from work," he gave an amused grin, and was suddenly gone.

"But I'm too old to be babysat by Nanay..." I complained to myself quietly.

A few moments later, the hallway door opened to reveal a short, familiar-looking Filipino in a Magnolia Manor work work t-shirt and khaki pants.

"Oh, you're awake!" Nanay exclaimed, surprised that I would be up at this hour, "Its nine in the morning! What are you doing up? You usually wake up at around noon on weekends..." her ascented voice trailed off as she set her things for work onto the leather love seat that matched the couch I was on.

"I forgot to unset me alarm clock," I half-lied, "Why are you in your work clothes?" I got up to get myself a bowl, Honey Nut Clusters cereal, and milk.

"I work on Saturdays, now! You didn't know that?"

"Oh," was my only response. I dropped a spoon in the bowl and headed for the table to eat, saddened that I had found out Danny was only dating me so he could keep me from some weird vampyre. I don't even know if he really likes me.

"You know I'm only checking up on you, right? After I tell your mom you didn't run away or anything, I'm going straight to work. I like to be early, you know." she said from across the table as she produced a bowl of freshly made oatmeal from a container.

"Okay," I said through half a mouthful of cereal and milk.

At that instant, there was a hasty knock on the front door.

"Who-" Nanay started, but I was a step ahead.

"I'll get it," I ran to the door, leaving my breakfast half-eaten.

"Okay, well, I'll be here if you need anything. I leave for work when your mother gets home," she quickly explained as I stood at the door, ready to open it.

"Okay," came my response. I closed the hallway door that had been open since Nanay came home. I rushed to the front door with its colored glass window, and swung it open.

I looked beyond the doorway to see a relatively bulk, middle-aged man with buzz-cut, brown hair and a big nose that made his eyes look major tiny.

Thing is, he looked like major bad news, but I didn't show my knowledge.

I stepped outside to the cool, October air, and stood with the door behind me opened just a bit.

I raised my eyebrows, asking, 'how may I help you?' with indifference, but he just smiled at my silence.

After staring for about half a minute, I found a dark red aura, the color of dried blood, fill in around his form, and unanswered questions filled my head. Who does this guy think he is!?

"Hello, Victoria," he sneered; his voice was deep and raspy, as if he'd been yelling a lot.

"Who are you!?" I whimpered as i side-stepped away from the front door; ready to bolt down the street.

"Never mind my name; come with me," rather than letting me follow him, he grabbed my arm and sprung about, oh say, three thousand miles above my neighborhood.

I took in a jagged gasp at the sight of my house, my home, my safe-haven, getting smaller and from the immediate felling that I was about to fall to my death.

"Let me down!" I yelled with all my might, and his firm grasp on my arm loosened until I felt wind on my face and I could see an old willow tree get bigger and bigger with my fast approach.

Screaming with the breath I had left, I saw the man fall faster than me, bounce off the tree, and catch me mid-air just to continue the kidnapping.

One question pulsed through my head; what will become of me?

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