thirty three

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i didn't stop worrying about yoongi the entire night. when i went and picked jihyun up at the train station, as i hugged him my mind was on my roommate.

when i brought my brother to the house, i told him the short version of what happened with yoongi, and what was going on with him and i. after talking for a few hours, i led him up to my room where i set up an air mattress for him. he'd offered to just stay on the couch but i had refused and had first offered him my bed, so we'd compromised on an air mattress.

jihyun fell asleep in minutes, while i laid awake, staring at the ceiling.

today was my birthday. yoongi hadn't said anything, and was out getting wasted with his friend. i couldn't help but feel hurt at that, since he'd never forgotten before.

i rolled over, glancing at the clock on my bedside table. 2:37am, read the red numbers. i frowned and sat up, grabbing my phone. there were no messages from yoongi, but just as i was about to type one out, one came in, but not from yoongi.

namjoon: is yoongi home?

me: no?? i thought he was with you

namjoon: well he was but then he disappeared and now i can't find him

me: k hold on let me track his location

i closed my messages and opened up the location app, looking for yoongi's icon. once it loaded, it showed he was still at the club, only a few kilometres away from the house.

me: it says he's still at the club
me: so either he left his phone there and went somewhere or he's still there and you just can't find him

namjoon: christ i'm drunk im not looking all over for him
namjoon: sorry jimin but i have to get home can you come look for him

i sighed, typing out a quick 'yes' and rolling out of bed as quietly as i could. i moved around my room and tried to hurry putting clothes on. i was almost out the door when i heard a faint "hyung?"

i paused. "yeah?"

"where are you going?"

"to find yoongi hyung."

i heard rustling, and then jihyun was suddenly beside me. "i'm coming with you."


as we jogged, i checked the time on my phone. 2:48 am. i exhaled and ran a little faster.

soon we arrived at the club, and after explaining to the bouncer that we were trying to find our friend, we got inside. there weren't many people left in the club, save for some stragglers that lingered by the bar. i took out my phone and opened the location app again, hoping it would somehow lead us to yoongi.

after giving the room a once-over, we deduced he wasn't in the main area of the club, and so we began walking down a hall filled with many doors. my phone showed that we were getting closer, so we kept going until we saw one of the doors marked as 'restroom'. i shared a glance with jihyun before pushing open the door.

as soon as the door was cracked open, the smell of alcohol hit us both like a truck. i gagged as we entered, but immediately my breath caught in my throat when i saw who was lying on the floor unconscious.

i didn't say anything to jihyun, just bending down beside yoongi and trying to wake him up.

"come on, hyung. wake up, please," i pleaded as i brushed the hair off his face.

jihyun started dialling an ambulance while i tried not to cry. i knew this would happen. yoongi had been acting off all day, and when i thought back i realized it was also his brothers birthday. i'd forgotten we shared the same birthday.

after a few minutes we heard the ambulance arrive outside the club. paramedics rushed in and loaded yoongi up on a stretcher, rushing him back out to the waiting ambulance. there was no room in the ambulance, so jihyun and i stood there as the ambulance sped away towards the hospital.

"do you guys need a ride somewhere?" i turned my head to see a tall guy, just coming out of the club.

i nodded. "my roomma–best friend just got taken to the hospital. could you bring us there?"

the man nodded, beckoning us to follow him down the street, where many cars were parked. he stopped at a sleek black car and gestured for us to get in. i slid in the front beside the man while my brother got in the back. "so what's your names?"

"i'm jimin, and this is my brother jihyun."

the man smiled kindly. "nice to meet you. i'm seokjin, but you can just call me jin."

that name sounded really familiar, but at that moment i couldn't quite remember where i'd heard it.

the drive to the hospital was short and when we got there, i thanked jin over and over for the ride, to which he just waved with his hand. "don't worry about it. i hope your friend is okay." he smiled before driving off.

we rushed inside up to the desk. "can you tell me where min yoongi is?"

she blinked at me. "um, he was just brought in a few minutes ago?" i tried again, realizing they probably hadn't filed his information yet.

she seemed to understand now. "the blonde boy? yeah he's getting taken care of right now, sweetie. you boys can wait and we'll tell you when you can see him."

i huffed. there was no way i was just going to sit and wait. "can you tell me where the bathroom is?"

"right down the hall, see where it says 'operating room'? it's right down there, can't miss it."

i smiled, tugging on jihyuns arm. "okay, thank you." we began walking towards the hall, my brother staring at me.

"please tell me we're not doing what i think we're doing."

"so should i say nothing then?" i cracked a grin, making jihyun sigh.

we walked past the bathroom doors and further down the hall, through another set of doors. i could hear yelling, and began walking faster.

we stopped in front of a set of doors marked 'authorized personnel only', peering in through the small glass windows. it was the operating room, and i could see doctors rushing around and fussing over the person on the table. i couldn't see the person on the table, but i saw a pair of white sneakers that i recognized, and my heart thumped.

"yoongi's in there." i whispered to jihyun.

"so?" he looked up at me, pointing at the sign. "we can't go in."

i set my jaw, taking a deep breath before knocking on the door. it seemed to startle a few of the doctors before a nurse came over to the door, slipping outside instead of letting us in. "can i help you boys?"

i nodded. "could you let me in?"

the nurse frowned. "we're not really supposed to let non medical staff inside, but..." she looked us up and down. "are you close family?"

"i'm all he has."

the nurse thought for a moment, then held open the door. she grabbed us two masks, which we put on. we stood back, watching as the doctors frantically ran around yoongi.

"what's going on?" jihyun asked. "is he okay?"

she shook her head. "this young man's heart stopped."

in that moment, hearing those words, it felt like it was my own heart that had stopped.

as the doctors moved around, i got a glimpse of yoongi, laying lifeless on the bed, too many tubes connected to his body. a large machine beeped continuously beside him. life support. they had him on life support.

the doctors were murmuring amongst themselves, but i couldn't hear them. it was like there was water in my ears.

finally they stepped away from yoongi, shaking their heads and muttering numbers and undecipherable medical jargon. but one doctor stood off to the side, writing on a clipboard, and said words that utterly shattered me.

"time of death, 3:17am."

my knees gave out and i fell to the floor.

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