forty four

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i was curled up into taehyung's side, using his chest as a pillow. his arm was draped lazily over the back of the couch, and both of our eyes were trained on the television.

after yoongi woke up, and we had the fight, i didn't want to go home, where i would be reminded incessantly about him. so i called taehyung and asked if i could stay with him for a few days. of course he'd agreed, and i hopped on a bus and arrived with a small bag of clothes.

"hey, i'm just gonna go to the bathroom. be right back, kay?" taehyung murmured as he gently slid out from under me. he placed a pillow under my head to replace him, and i pouted but let him leave. he disappeared around the corner, and i tried to refocus my attention back on the movie.

i knew it was wrong, but i couldn't help but feel guilty over what had happened with yoongi. i knew that he was the one who had messed up, and that i had to make it clear that i was no longer going to clean his messes. but i felt like i'd kicked a sick puppy when i'd left the hospital that day, and yoongi's heartbroken expression would surely never leave my mind.

"get up, fatass." taehyung squeezed back into his spot, and i laid my head back down on his side. his fingers went to absentmindedly play with my hair, and the comforting action soon led to my eyes slowly drifting closed. i didn't even feel taehyung laying a blanket over me.

i didn't know how long i was asleep, but i was woken by the doorbell ringing loudly and taehyung getting up to answer it. i sat up slowly, blinking my eyes as i returned to consciousness.

"no, i don't think you should come in. i'm sorry you came all this way, but he doesn't want to see you." i heard taehyung saying, and furrowed my brows.

i rose from the couch, keeping the blanket wrapped around me and padding barefoot to the front door. taehyung's back blocked most of whoever was at the door. i walked up behind him and poked my head out, blinking up at–

"yoongi hyung?" i said in surprise.

he looked like shit; there were dark blue circles under his eyes, and he looked exhausted. he was still wearing his hospital gown, but there was a sweater draped over his shoulders, likely namjoon's. the taller stood a few steps behind him, in the hallway outside taehyung's apartment door.

"it's okay, tae, let them in."

taehyung looked to me. "are you sure?" he asked, probably surprised i wanted to talk to yoongi. i nodded, and he just shrugged before stepping to the side to allow them to walk in.

i walked back to the couch, still swaddled in my blanket. i plopped down, turning my head as yoongi sat down next to me. "you look cute," he mumbled, looking away shyly. i blushed and bit my lip.

namjoon and taehyung finally joined us in the living room, taehyung frowning slightly when he noticed yoongi had taken his spot. he flopped down on the other couch with namjoon, clearly irritated.

"so..." namjoon began awkwardly. "yoongi hyung wanted to talk to jimin." i didn't miss when yoongi shot namjoon a death glare, and then looked back to me.

"ah, yeah," he said, scratching the back of his neck. "listen, jimin, i'm really sor–"

i held up a hand, shaking my head. "no, hyung." he confusedly looked at me, and i scooted closer to him. i grasped his hand, looking into his eyes as i spoke. "i'm the one who should be apologizing right now. i really flipped out on you and you didn't deserve that. i should have been able to say what i wanted to say calmly, but instead i got angry and hurt you, and for that i'm sorry."

yoongi squeezed my hand comfortingly. "it's okay, jiminie. i kind of needed that wake up call. i-i do need help, and i'm going to get better. but i need you with me, jimin. i can't– i can't do this alone." yoongi's voice cracked slightly at the last part, and i let go of our hands to crawl into his lap and hug him.

"i'll always be with you, hyung." i whispered into his ear. "no matter what."

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