twenty nine

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i was getting worried when he wasn't home by midnight. we'd left the restaurant around 10 because they were closing and had asked us to leave.

i had stayed on the couch, waiting for him to get home. but as the hours passed by, and the front door didn't open, the nervous ball in the pit of my stomach only grew and grew.

finally, around 12:30, i got up and put my shoes on. i shoved my keys in my pocket and left, determined to bring yoongi home.

when i got to the studio, the doors were open, which meant yoongi was still inside. i opened the door and slipped inside only to immediately stop in my tracks.

yoongi was unconscious on the floor in front of me.

i kneeled down beside him, first checking for a pulse. thankfully, i felt a heartbeat under my fingers and breathed a sigh of relief. "hyung?" i tried, not really expecting him to answer.

then i smelled it: alcohol. his entire body reeked of the strong substance, and my heart sank.

"okay, jimin. don't panic. he's okay," i told myself, although i was really close to panicking.

i had to get him to the hospital. i slid one arm underneath his neck, and the other under his knees and lifted. surprisingly he wasn't that heavy.

i found his keys in his pocket and somehow managed to lock the door behind us. then i started running. my track days from high school kicked in and i sprinted in the direction of where i remembered the hospital being.

soon i saw the tall building, and slowed down as i approached the emergency entrance.

"hello, sir, how can i help you?" asked the woman working at the desk.

"ah, i think he might have alcohol poisoning."

the lady nodded and picked up her radio, speaking some medical jargon i couldn't decipher. but almost right after she called, a nurse came up to us. "follow me, sir. we'll help your friend out."

she led me into a room and instructed me to lay yoongi down on the bed, and got wait outside. i tried to protest, but when the doctor came in i reluctantly slunk away to sit in the waiting room.

i took out my phone and dialled namjoon, wanting to talk to someone instead of just sitting in silence.

"hello? jimin, it's late. what's up?"

"sorry, hyung. it's just, yoongi hyung, he..."

"is he okay?"

"i don't know..."

"what happened, jimin?"

"i don't know, the studio, i got there and it smelled of alcohol, he was unconscious..." i tried to hold back tears.

i heard namjoon swear under his breath. "i knew i shouldn't have put all that alcohol in the fridge. are you at the hospital?"


"okay, jimin, i'm on my way. keep me posted if anything happens." click

i sat back in the chair, looking around the waiting room. there were several people sitting around, waiting for news.

"jimin?" i turned around to see namjoon standing there, looking out of breath as he panted.

"did you run here, hyung?"

"yeah. faster." he said, collapsing into the seat next to me.

namjoon lifted his head to look properly at me, and frowned. he opened his arms. "come here, jiminie," i crawled into his lap, burying my head in his chest. "it's gonna be okay." he stroked my hair, humming quietly as i tried not to cry on his shirt.

"family for min yoongi?"

my head shot up, seeing the nurse from before standing there. i slid off namjoon's lap, tugging him up. "yes?"

"he's just fine, we were able to get the alcohol out of his system." i breathed a sigh of relief, and namjoon rubbed my back. "would you like to come see him? he's awake."

i nodded, and we followed her as she led us back to the room. yoongi was laying on the bed, staring at the wall.

"yoongi hyung!" i cried, rushing to his side and immediately peppering his face with kisses.

"jimin. i'm fine." yoongi's voice was rough, detached, and i pulled back to look at him.

"you scared me. please don't do that again." i said in a small voice, lip trembling.

yoongi sighed, looking away from us. "sorry," he said, sounding a hundred percent not sorry.

"do you want us to go, hyung?" namjoon spoke up, the first thing he'd said since we came in the room.


i pouted, stepping away. namjoon gently took hold of my arm, leading me away. "we'll leave you alone, then."

namjoon led me out to the hospital cafeteria, where we both got a cup of coffee and sat down in the plastic chair.

"why would he do this, namjoon hyung?" i nearly whispered.

"i'm not sure, jimin. but we both know yoongi hyung has issues that he needs to deal with himself," namjoon said, taking a deep breath before continuing. "i was thinking of maybe taking him on a little trip, just to get him away from things for a little while. what do you think?"

i smiled. "i think that's a great idea."

namjoon smiled, his dimples appearing. "good. you'll be fine on your own?"

i chuckled. "i have taehyung, i'll be fine," i waved him off.

namjoon laughed, then took a long drink of his coffee and looked thoughtful. "i guess we should get yoongi hyung home, then."

"i suppose we should."

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