thirty five

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it took jihyun more than an hour to convince me to go outside.

for the entire day after we got back from the hospital, i'd holed myself up in my room, wrapped up in blankets and cried incessantly. i felt bad, because jihyun had come to spend time with me and all i'd done so far was subject him to witness the death of my roommate and my sob-fest.

"come on hyung, it'll make you feel better." jihyun's idea was to walk to the bakery down the street and get ourselves something sweet. my brother knew that when i was sad, sugar never failed to cheer me up.

i'd already told him no about twenty times, but when i looked up into his eyes at what was about to be the twenty first, i caved. his puppy dog eyes were powerful. i taught the kid well.

i let my brother drag me out of bed and dress me in jeans and one of yoongi's shirts. as we left the house, i tried not to inhale the scent and cry.

jihyun pushed open the door, cool air washing over us as we entered. a tall boy, probably a few years older than me, stood at the counter, playing on his phone. we walked up to him, smiling awkwardly. "um... hi?" the boy yelped and jumped, his phone clattering onto the floor.

"i'm so sorry, we didn't mean to scare you!" i apologized, feeling horrible. the boy bent down, checking his phone for scratches.

"it's okay. it was my fault for not paying attention. what can i get you boys?" he replied as he stood up, and i finally got an actual look at him.

my eyebrows furrowed. "hey! you're jin, right?"

he nodded, "are you the guys i gave a ride to the hospital to?" we nodded, and then all three of us burst into laughter. "small world!"

"anyways, i'll have a slice of cheesecake and...." i looked at jihyun to make his request.

"a strawberry shortcake, please." he asked politely.

i couldn't tear my eyes away from jin as he prepared our desserts. i wracked my brain for where i'd heard his name before. suddenly, i got it.

"hey, jin?" he looked up from where he was placing jihyun's cake onto a plate. "do you... know a guy named kim namjoon?" jin's face lit up, and he nodded. i also swore i saw a hint of a blush on his cheeks.

"you know him?" jin asked.

"yeah, he's best friends with... with my roommate." i coughed awkwardly.

jin nodded, not noticing my behaviour. "we used to go to school together, but never spoke until i met namjoon at a club, and we had a one night stand. probably the best one of my life, if i'm being honest," he giggled. "i saw him with a friend the other night when i met you guys, but he left before i could go up to him. i'd love to see him again."

jin slid the cakes across the counter to us, and i handed him a few bills. "i can talk to him for you, if that's okay?" i offered, smiling gently. jin looked at me, eyes shining with hope.

"would you really?" i nodded, and he beamed at me.

"thank you so much, jimin. it was nice seeing you again." i collected the boxes and we started to leave, before
jin called out. "oh, i forgot to ask! how did your friend make out?" we stopped in our tracks, and i looked back at jin.

i bit my lip. "he didn't make it." i said quietly, looking down.

jin's face fell. "i'm so sorry, jimin." he quickly walked around the counter and approached me, bending slightly and wrapping his arms around me.

"h-he died on my birthday, too." i whimpered, leaning into jin's comforting embrace. he rubbed my back, calming me down.

after i stopped crying, jin let me go and smiled sadly at me. "you okay?"

"not really, but life goes on, right?"


"what's the urgency, park?" a tired kim namjoon shuffled into my house. i laughed. it was almost dinner time and evidently, namjoon had just woken up.

i sprung off the stool i had been spinning on. jihyun was in the kitchen preparing dinner. "you... have a date." i announced proudly.

namjoon looked confused, running a hand through his light brown locks.

"i... have a... date? wait, with who? did you set this up? when? where?" questions spilled from namjoon's mouth as he rushed towards me.

"calm down, namjoon hyung," i said, fighting back a grin.

namjoon rubbed his eyes, sighing as he flopped down on a stool. "okay. you have two minutes to explain. jesus christ, i can't believe i woke up for this." he muttered the last part under his breath.

"wait, wait. why only two minutes? you're not going anywhere, kim." i pointed out.

he sighed. "whatever. just get on with it."

i clapped my hands. "so! remember seokjin?" namjoon's eyes widened. "yep! i ran into him at the bakery, and he really wants to see you again. so, you free this friday at six?"

namjoon closed his eyes, smiling. "park jimin, i knew there was a reason i would like you."

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