Could Have Been Us

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We should never be caught in a situation where we regret certain decisions in our life and another sad short love story contribution by one of our dear readers certainly emphasizes this. This touching story is a must read if you are thinking about making that difficult decision to tell someone you love them.


My ideal guy was tall.. dark.. and head is shaved off. Oh and I have this rule never a friend. Not until I met Mark. Mark is short, light skinned, and apparently he doesn’t like to cut his hair short so, he won’t even think of shaving his head. And he became my friend. But I still fell for him.

I met Mark when I joined this college organization. He is an old member and I was the newbie. When I saw him my heart skipped and right then and there I knew that I like him. I smiled at him but to my surprise he ignored me. I thought of him as a very arrogant guy. After the organization’s orientation we never spoke.

After a month, It’s Christmas eve I got a text message.

Mark: Merry Christmas!

Me:  who’s this?

Mark: hey Kei it’s Mark

Me: uhmm.. Mark who? (ofcourse he’s not the only mark I know and I don’t think he’ll get my number)

Mark: Mark Bateman.. from the Socio org.

Me: oh I see.. Merry Christmas too.

The conversation ended there. As much as I want to text him all night I know I have to compose myself not to be obvious that I like him. After that whenever there’s a meeting or org events we would talk. Not long after we became friends. We became too close that people around us thinks that we are in a “more-than-friends relationship”. More often than not we just laugh it off.

I know that I am already falling for him and there’s no denying that he treats me more special than our other friends, we talk every night and sometimes would end at wee hours of the morning but, I just can’t assume. I know I have to hear it from him.

Days, Months and Years go by and he still didn’t say anything about how he feels for me. We spent a lot of time together, watched movies, go shopping, a lot of opportunity where he can tell me but nothing. So I thought that we are just friends. It was so sad but I’d rather have him as a friend than lose him.

I started dating somebody else but it’s still him that I love so I always end up just dating.. I can’t go steady. I can’t commit because my heart still belongs to him. I’ve cried so many sleepless nights and sometimes I would talk to him about it but will tell a different guys name so he will not think it’s him.

One night we went to a party together, I saw this pretty girl flirting with him and he just ignored it. I approached him I told him that I think the girl likes him and they looked good together. To my surprise not long after he started dating the girl. He told me that I was right and that the girl is nice and sweet. His news broke my heart. So I stayed away from him, I rarely attend the org’s meeting. He got too busy with the girl too.

After a year we attended a friend’s wedding he went there without the girl. We were in the same table so we don’t have any other choice but to talk. He asked me how I was and he said he missed me. I asked how he was too and how was his relationship with the girl. He said that they’re doing fine. He asked me if I am dating someone right now I said yes even though I’m not. He said that I’m still playful and not wanting to commit. He told me that I was a playgirl. He said those words as if I did play with his heart. Tears fell down my eyes, if he only knew why I didn’t get serious with those boys. If he only knew how I waited for him to tell me he loves me. I can’t bear the thought of him seeing me cry so I left the party. he run after me and asked me why and right there I confessed how much I love him, how much I care for him and how everyday I prayed that he’d love me back. He was so speechless that all he did was to hug me tight. I pushed him away and run. I left town, I changed number so we won’t be able to call me. he sends numerous email and left many messages but I didn’t read them.

I started to move on and live with my life. One day the bell rang in my apartment and it was our common friend. She told me that Mark has been trying to reach me. I just shrugged it and changed the topic. The pain is too much that I can’t bear talking about him. She handed me an envelope. To my surprise it is a wedding invitation, Mark’s wedding invitation. I was trying so hard to stop the tears from falling but I can’t. I opened the invitation a small folded paper fell on the floor, I picked it up and it was a note saying, “kei, this could have been us”. What?! I told myself. I remembered the emails that he sent me curious of what was It about, I started browsing my inbox for it.


I am trying to call you but I guess you changed your number. I know it was very hard for you to tell me how you feel because I know you’re not that kind of person. And believe me it was hard for me too.  For the past 4 years I just thought you’re not interested in me. You told me the type of guy that you like and that you have this rule of NEVER A FRIEND. So I’d rather have you as a friend than not have you at all.

I love you too sooo much since the day you smiled at me at the orientation. Do you remember, I greeted you Merry Christmas 4 years ago, I asked around for your number so I could text you but after you found out who I was you didn’t reply. Ever since that night I was praying for you. When you told me that I looked good with Sarah I just gave up and thought that maybe you don’t really like me and that I am just a special friend to you. I gave up and courted her. I know I should’ve told you. I just don’t have the courage.

I am sorry for being such a jerk and for telling you those words but if you could give me chance to love you I promise I will love you forever and I will not break your heart. Please answer me. If you don’t then I’ll understand.

Loving you always,


I just broke down and cry. It’s too late. If only I read those emails, Yes, It COULD HAVE BEEN US. I can’t go to the wedding because I might make a scene. I just sent a gift and wish them both well.

Now I am always thinking of the “what ifs”. It’s just sad to know that we both don’t have the guts to tell how and what we feel. He is now happily married and they’re going to have their first child.

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