Niall: Niall had been sick last week and had not been able to do anything, so this week he had to really buckle down and finish up some vocals on their new song. When Niall got home he was extremely grumpy, however you didn't know that. "Hi, babe! I made dinner. Steak and mashed potatoes." You said. You expected him to reply, but he didn't. As you turned around, all you saw was him going up the stairs toward you guys' shared bedroom. You were beginning to wonder what was wrong with him so you went upstairs. "Babe? You okay?" Nothing. He didn't respond. He didn't even look at you. "Look baby. I don't know what's wrong but how about you come downstairs and eat dinner with me ,yeah? I'm sure you'll feel better aft-" He cut you off in the middle of your sentence with a few sentences of his own. "Does it look like I care? 'Cause I don't. If I did don't you think I would've answered you? I'm tired so just leave me alone!" Your eyes were as big as flies once he was finished. He's never snapped at you before and to be honest you were upset. You quickly left the room, hoping he didn't see your tears.
Harry: You and Harry were walking in Paris on a chilly day for you guys' 3 day vacation. The first day was a chaos. Apparently some fans found out where you guys were and you both got mobbed. Not to mention, some girl was flirting with Harry and you thougth he was flirting back so you confronted him about it. It was a new day though so you were ready to put the past behind you. However, Harry wasn't. "Today is such a beautiful day. Everything is so beautiful here." You said. Suddenly, a beautiful girl came up to you and Harry asking for his autograph. "Hi, Harry. I'm a huge fan of you. You are such a great singer." Not again, you thought. 5 minutes later, she finally went away. "Ugh! People do not understand the meaning of a vacation. It's to have fun and be left alone." You said as you continued to speak about the boring topic, Harry was annoyed and finally snapped. "For Christ sake, Y/n. Okay, I get it's a break but just drop it! I came on this break to relax not hear you nagging about it!" You paused where you were and looked at Harry. "Well if I'm annoying you so much,I'll just leave." You said as you walked back to the hotel.
Louis:Today was a work day for Louis, but this time he gets to stay home since it's only writing. He's been working on a song for about an hour now and you were getting bored. You didn't want to bother him but you literally were about to die of boredom. You've done everything you could think of. Clean, dance, sing, paint, go outside and it was only the first hour! Finally you gave up and went to Lou's office. You opened the door slightly and poked your head through. "Louis? I know it's only been an hour but I was thinking that maybe you could come do something with me? You deserve a break anyways." He finished writing down his last idea and looked at you for a while. When he didn't say anything, you began to talk. "Oh my god will you just shut up?! This song is important to me and I need to finish this so just leave!" Louis said. You didn't say anything, you just left quietly.
Zayn: Today was the only day that Zayn had off and you wanted to hang out with him. It was 12:30 and you were getting dressed; ready for a day out with your boyfriend. "IIIIIIII I WANNA SAVE YA! WANNA SAVE YOUR HEART TOOOONIIIIIGH!" You sang as you were brushing your teeth. After you were finished, you began to pick out your clothes. As you put on your outfit you went back in the bathroom to put on your makeup. Now you were all finished. "Babe?" You called our for Zayn. Once he didn't answer,you went to look for him. The last place you looked was his Art studio."Babe? What are you doing in here?" You said."I'm working on this project is all." You sighed quietly and began to talk. "Zayn, I thought we talked about this. We were suppose to go out today. Remeber when I told you that yesterday?" He shook his head no. "I just want to relax babe. I've been stressed out and I don't feel like going out." He said. "Zayn come on. I already had this planned. We were gonna go out and eat at this restaurant and just walk around and-" " JUST STOP! Didn't I just say i didn't want to?! Seriously. Just go out with someone else, yeah? And leave me alone." Well okay then, you thought.
Liam: " Oh what a beautiful day it is today!" You announced to no one in particular. You were at your flat just laying down when you realized that Liam came home today. Suddenly, you just got a burst of energy and began to dance around to random songs on your play list. "Do My Thang by Miley Cyrus came on and you began to jam out. After your dance fest, you went to Liam's flat to see if he was there. You guys were only dating for 5 months so you didn't live together yet, you did have a key to his flat though. When you unlocked the door, you went to straight to his bedroom, but he wasn't there. So you just left and decided that since you were out you were going to go the park. Once you got to the park, you sat down on a bench. As you were looking around you set eyes on a guy that looked very familiar. When you looked closer you realized it was Liam jogging, so you ran up to him."Liam,babe! Hey! I went to your flat but you weren't there!" Instead of responding he just kept on going, but went a little faster than usual. "So was thinking that maybe we could go out later today since I haven't seen you in a while. Plus, I miss you so much." Since he did'nt reply, you began to talk again. "For fucks sake! Can't you see I'm ignoring you? I obviously don't want to talk to you." With that, you stopped jogging beside Liam and turned the other way to your flat.
HI SNICKERDOODLE!!! haha i hope you enjoyed this! It was suppose to be posted yesterday but i was lazy. Sorry! I guess I'm not really used to getting request and having to post them at a certain time..it'll get better though. PROMISE! this preference was requested by: So_Happily SO i hope you enjoyed it :) BTW CHECK OUT THOSE SWEET LITTLE DUCKLINGS ONTO THE SIDE LIP SYNCHING TO 1D
request are open
Love, 5sos1dangel xx

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionStarted on November 24, 2013. I really like writing and I really love 1d so why not put them together? I hope you read the preferences and enjoy them :) Share, vote, comment, and request! Love ya t bits :)