IMAGINE FOR Macklowe93

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You and your best friend were at a friends party when things got a little out of hand. You were walking through the crowd trying to get to your friend and you got pushed into the edge of the table SUPER hard by your ex boyfriend, Josh, although he said it was a mistake, you know it wasn't.It hurt like crazy and left a bruise. You had got it two days ago but it still hurt like hell. You didn't tell your brother, Louis. Nor did you tell the other boys. They were like your brothers and just like Louis, they were overprotective. "I don't understand why you can't just tell them that is was Josh." Your best friend said. "Because if I tell them, they're gonna flip shit! Come on Y/BFF/N. You know how they are! If I tell them, they're gonna try to beat him up or something!" You sighed out of exhaustion. You wanted to tell the boys, but they would overreact and you know it. "You're so dramatic. Look, Mack. I gotta go but I'll call you later k?" "K. Bye." Ughhh. You groaned. This is gonna be hard, you thought.

"Hey, Liam! What's up?" You asked. "Nothing much. What about you, Kenzie?" You just shrugged as a respond. You didn't really know what you were up to to be honest. "Well," said Liam, "We should play a game." He said while bumping his hip against yours. You winced slightly, hoping he wouldn't notice. "You okay, Kenzie? Did I hurt you?" He asked. You shook your head no, "I'm fine." "I don't believe you." He lifted your shirt up a bit and saw a purple and blue bruise. "Woah. What happened?" "Nothing, Liam. I just hit my hip on the um..cabinet." Liam nodded. You knew he didn't believe you though. "I'm not gonna pressure you into telling me what really happened, Kenzie. But just remember you can tell me anything." you gave him a weak smile and then went to the bathroom.

Woo. That was a close one, you thought. On your way out the bathroom you bumped into Niall. "Oi! M'sorry. " You winced once again. Why is everyone hitting my bruise,You thought. "It's all go-" "Woah you okay there?" He asked. And just like Liam, he lifted up your shirt a bit to see your hip and saw the bruise. "Oh shi-" "What's with the cursing?" Zayn and Harry asked while walking up to you too. Just fucking great. "Woahhh what happened to you?" You pulled your shirt back down and shook your head. "It's nothing. I just hit my hip on the cabinet. Haha clumsy me. "You said while laughing dryly. "Hahahaha. No seriously. What happened?" You sighed and just told them what happened. "Don't tell Lou, please! He'll literally flip shit and you guys know that!"

They all nodded and carried on with what they were doing before.

*****NEXT DAY******

"So when are you gonna tell him?" The boys asked. You shrugged your shoulders. "I don't know. Maybe-" "Tell me what?" Louis asked. "Oh come on!" You said aloud. Of course he would walk in then, you thought. "Okay here's the deal, Louis. But I just want to say that I trust you as a big brother to make good decisions and to not beat up people. Ya know. Like ex-boyfriends." You said. "What??" "Basically I went to a party with Y/BFF/N. And Josh, my ex, pushed me and I hit my hip on the edge of a table. " You said as you showed him the bruise on your hip. You could see the anger in Louis' eyes. "He did what? What the fuck is wrong with this, douche? I'm gonna kill 'em! Where is he?" He said while walking towards the door. "Louis. Please don't. It's already handled. No need to hurt him, okay? It's over with and I'm okay. Just relax." He slowly began to calm down. "Did all of you guys know about this? " He asked the rest of the band. They all nodded. "Why was I the last to know, Mack? I'm your brother. " "I know. I was just worried about your reaction." He nodded. "Alright. Well I'm just glad you're okay." He said while pulling you into a side hug and kissing your forehead. "Me too, Lou."



Hope you enjoyed, Mackenzie :)

I love you, babes!!

5sos1dangel xx

P.s: Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't beautiful because you are. Inside and out. Forever and always. :) <3

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