#28 He Mentions You In An Interview

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Harry: "Harry, you seem to be collecting a vast amount of tattoos... do you have any new ones we don't know about?" the woman questions on an early morning news show in Australia. "Yeah... I got this one a few days ago" he says, pulling the neck of his black v-neck down to reveal "Never Say Goodbye" inked between the two sparrows. "And what's the meaning of this one?" the other news anchor questions as Harry leans back in his seat. "Well, Peter Pan is (Y/N) favorite fairy tale so I figured, why not?" he shrugs, barely catching on that'd he just mentioned you in an interview; an interview that would be broadcasted and viewed by millions of fans. "And (Y/N) is your girlfriend, yes?" the woman asks and Harry can do nothing but confirm the suspicions that had followed your relationship since he'd first met you. "Yes" he says simply, glaring at Louis when he starts chuckling beside him. "How long?" the male news anchor says and Harry sighs. "Six months" he responds, giving Liam a thankful smile when he manages to smoothly turn the conversation away from his love life and towards the concert taking place that night.

Liam: "What would be the one thing you miss most when you leave for tour?" Oprah Winfrey herself asked the boys, watching as they all looked to one another for who would go first. "For me, I miss (Y/N) home cooked meals" Liam responds, not feeling the need to hide your relationship like he once had. "And (Y/N) is your girlfriend, right? You've been together for how long now?" Oprah questions, glancing off screen to where you've appeared to watch the taping of the interview and Liam smiles. "Three years" he answers easily, glancing sideways to give you a warm smile that you return. "Is marriage in the cards for you then? Three years is a long time" Oprah questions, watching as Liam shifts in his seat and the boys start chuckling. "She's basically already his wife, that's what we call her 'Mrs. Payne'" Zayn jokes, slapping Liam on the shoulder from his spot behind him and Liam turns to glare at him. "I think, after three years, marriage is on the table. We both want to get married and spend forever together but, we're still young and my life is hectic right now. I wouldn't want to bring a new marriage into that or a child right now so, we've agreed to wait until things at least slow down a bit" Liam explains, glancing to find you smiling before he chuckles at the playful salute you give him.

Niall: "Yeah, (Y/N) thought I was going to burn the apartment down when she left for holiday a few months ago with her friends but... I managed alright" Niall chuckles, adjusting the headphones as Ryan Seacrest gives him a smile. "And how is the lovely (Y/N), I'm sure the fans want to know" Ryan teases, watching as Niall shrugs his shoulders across from him in the radio station. "She's fine, she's at home right now so... hi (Y/N)" he says into the microphone, turning to the camera taping the interview and waving while the boys shake their heads. "She's... ready to pop now isn't she?" Ryan questioned, referring to the approaching due date of your first child and Niall's smile brightens. "She is, I was nervous about leaving so close to her due date but we're going back to London after this so... I figured it'd be alright" he explained, ducking when Harry went to smack the back of his head. "She did not give him permission to be here, she told him and I quote 'you better not be leaving the country this close to my due date' and 'if I go into labor while you're gone, you'll be paying for it until we no longer have to get up with the baby during the middle of the night'" Harry explained, chuckling when Niall tried to punch his arm. "She, may have said that so now you know why I'm so anxious to get home" Niall teased as the boys chuckled at the poor Irishmen's anxiousness.

Louis: "Hello Louis Tomlinson from One Direction," Phil says with a smile to your boyfriend. You watch from the Live Longue into the Radio 1 studio. When Louis said the group was going to be cohosting on the station again you weren't exactly happy. This meant he would be in town, but away for the entire day. Days like that were the ones you hated the most. "Are you going to be with Greg again?" You had asked him after getting over the annoyance of the news. "No. Some guys named Dan and Phil." Your eyes had lit up. "You're copresenting with Dan and Phil?!" It was fantastic news. You not only loved their Sunday night shows but followed their YouTube careers very closely. "Can I come with you?" You had asked, trying to calm your excitement so Louis wouldn't notice. He had agreed and now you were here. You had to give Louis the rundown on exactly who Dan and Phil were seeing as though he had no clue, and admittedly you ended up sounding like one of his nine year old fans as you described their lives. As you sit in the lounge you can't help but admire them as they introduce your boyfriend to their listeners. "Hello," Louis answers Phil back. "How are you doing today?" Dan asks, seeming more calm than you had expected. "I'm alright, but before we get started can I just say something?" Louis requests. "Of course," they say in unison. "I just have to say that my girlfriend loves you two," he begins, pointing out beyond the window revealing your presence on the couch outside. "I honestly had no idea who the two of you were, but she sure did. She told me everything about you two." Your face flushes red as your hang your head with embarrassment, both Dan and Phil looking at you through the glass with worrisome eyes. "I would seriously watch out for her. She could be some kind of psycho stalker." Your head shoots up at his accusations and you stare him down through the glass, running your finger across your neck letting him know he was in big trouble for revealing your secrets.

Zayn: Ah media day. The both of you hated it, but it was necessary. All of the media representatives were gathering in the ballroom of the hotel as you and Zayn walked to the elevator to head down to get the day over with. As you walk through the doors you see Liam across the room already halfway through his interviews, overachiever that one is. You chuckle and let go of Zayn's hand allowing him to begin. The ballroom atmosphere was intense. The loud anonymous voices traveling throughout the room reminded you of being at a one of Zayn's concerts right before it started. "Damn," Louis says walking through the door and taking a look around. "Better get started," you say with a smile as he rolls his eyes. He takes a seat right beside of Zayn catching the interviewer off guard, clearly not expecting to interview two of the guys at once. She picks back up where she left off after Louis gets settled. You turn to talk to Paul who had posted himself beside you at the door. "(Y/N)!!!" You hear from behind you. Turning around you notice Zayn's head in his hands and Louis's head turned in your direction. "(Y/N) Zayn is talking about you!" You shake your head at Louis's announcement and Zayn does the same. "What did he say?" You shout back playfully. "He said that he really loved you!" Louis shouted proudly. You smiled, your cheeks growing rosy as everyone in the room turned to smile at you.



This is from tumblr!

Imagines are coming soon :)

What are you guys' thoughts on zouis smoking video?

I personally don't care. It's their lives and they're old enough to make their own decisions. I do care about them, so I don't want them to smoke but who cares!

And tbh, come on guys. We've all saw them smoking. This isn't the first time? Remember when they were on the boat?? Bring back memories maybe? I think some people were just shocked bc it was captured on video

So yeahhh!

Follow me on twitter! & thanks to @04DaddyDirection28 for voting on my preferences lol I went to my notifications and just scrolled down and saw nothing but you lol so thanks to you and EVERYONE ELSE THAT VOTES :) and don't forget to follow me on here too :)

one more thing!!!! If you're into youtubers and you know Mazzi maz, you're awesome!! But guess what MAZZI MAZ FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER WUT


I love you, you sexy beast ;)

5sos1dangel xx

P.s: don't let anyone tell you that you aren't beautiful because you are. Inside and out. Forever and always <3 :)

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