Part 1

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Spark omake where the GOM aren't idiot basketball prodigies except Aomine (because he'll always be an idiot who loves basketball more than life) and all go to the same high school. Can be read alone, but I recommend new readers to read the main story bc it's my baby. I'm incorporating a lot of info from KuroFes (characters' roles in school etc), but keep in mind I did tweak a few things to make this fic work so not everything is 100% accurate (but it'll be like 90% accurate lol). Also, watch out for some crossover cameos.



99 Problems: Part 1

"...after school. Now, I'll let our student council president announce the upcoming School Festival."

Shuffling of chairs could be heard with the microphone's projection in the announcement room. Then, Akashi Seijuuro's smooth voice traveled through the speakers.

"Good morning everyone. As Kobayashi-sensei stated, Teiko High's annual School Festival is coming up in two weeks and it is time to make preparations. Your class representative will be passing out papers that detail each year's duties and listed activities to choose from. Each class and extracurricular club is responsible to come up with a theme of their choice, and it must be approved by staff and the Student Council by the end of the week. I wish for you all to have fun and make this Teiko High's grandest School Festival. Thank you."

With that ended the morning announcements and chatter erupted between the excited students. In the first-years' floor, Okuma Tomoko, as her class 1-B's representative, passed out the festival sheets as her mind was still caught on Akashi's last words.

She often ran into the student council president during tasks given by her homeroom teacher, and she found him to be an extraordinary and odd person.

Akashi was only a first-year like herself, but he's already secured the president position on student council with the recommendation from the previous president, Nijimura Shuzo, because the former had to transfer to America for family reasons. He was smart and courteous, thus the entire student body and staff respected him greatly. Though, Tomoko knew from conversations she's held with the redhead that while he would be lightheartedly saying something, his unusual heterochromatic eyes would be flashing dangerously. Wanting the upcoming festival to be the 'grandest' only meant that he would not accept anything but the best while he was president.

Akashi-kun can make anything sound like a threat, she mused to herself.

When she reached the window seats, she received a small 'thank you' from Kuroko Tetsuya and a nod from Kagami Taiga, her two close friends. The three had hit it off right away during the spring semester when they were grouped together for a history project. Once everyone received a paper, their homeroom teacher ordered the students to quiet down so class can begin.


Lunch time was always chaotic at Teiko High.

While there was still a good amount of students who bring their own bento everyday, the majority of the students enjoyed the benefits of their meal card that gave them fresh cooked meals by the school's very own panel of chefs. Needless to say, it was overwhelmingly popular.

Tomoko was one of the students who liked to bring her own lunch, partly because she didn't enjoy the hassle that came with waiting in the long lines. Besides, she loved home-cooked meals. As she dug her chopsticks into her seasoned rice for the first bite, she saw a tray of delicious looking curry rice, steamed veggies, and a golden croquette slide next to her lunch as someone attached themselves to her hip.

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