Part 2

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Thank you for all the positive responses! The next two chapters will be detailing Tomoko's "problems" - each segment is a new day (and a new headache). Enjoy!


99 Problems: Part 2

Midorima wasn't lying when he said class 1-B's theme was unusual.

It was one thing to want to do a bakery, but Tomoko's class was going to add their own flavor to it and make an interactive game out of it. Now along with the bakery shop decorations and food prep, cosplaying was also going into the mix.

As class representative, Tomoko was responsible to help and make sure everything goes smoothly for the big day. Being on top of her job, she already packed a small planner with an organized list of to-do's for the days preceding the festival—Sunday, October 29th—with space for additional notes that may aid in the future.

"Alright!" The clock in her room blinked 10:30 PM and she grinned at the little booklet in her hand, excited for tomorrow to come faster. "This will be a piece of cake!"


Task #1: ask the class for cosplay ideas, get supplies (Tuesday)

"Kyaaaa, it's Kise-kun!"

"Why's he coming to our class? He's so handsome!"

Fangirls stopped and trailed behind the model as he went up to class 1-B. It was currently their first break between classes the following morning, and the girls inside the classroom all abandoned whatever they were doing to ogle at the blonde as he looked around for someone. Once his target came to view, his smile brightened, causing quite a scene with the squealing girls.

"There you are, Kuma-cchi~!"

The caramel haired girl turned at the familiar voice calling her name and gave him a small wave. She was talking to a few classmates about planning out the supplies for their theme.

"What brings you here, Kise-kun?" she asked. The model cheerfully grabbed an empty chair and scooted up to the group, again making the girls squeal.

"Murasakibara-cchi left me all alone because he was angry that people kept crowding our desks to ask me questions," he sniffed with sadness. "Isn't that cruel?"

Tomoko patted the male softly on the shoulder in sympathy. With a crowd that he drew, it wasn't surprising for Murasakibara to leave in annoyance. "I'm sorry to hear that. But I'm sure Mura-kun will come back," she encouraged.

"I guess it's fine because I get to spend my break with Kuma-cchi!" he smiled at her.

"We're actually in the middle of planning for the festival," she said apologetically. Usually she didn't mind talking to the blonde when he comes, but today she wanted to get the planning phase done so that the class can start on making lists for supplies and ultimately start construction.

"Oh, my class rep is doing that as well! It's actually why everyone was crowding around me," more than usual, he almost added. "They wanted my input of how fashion shows go since I have experience."

Tomoko looked excited, "Class 1-C is really doing a fashion show then? That's awesome!" She was positive his class will be the only one doing it, especially since others knew they can't compete with the Zunon Boy model when it came to appealing to the public and selling tickets for the show. Therefore, she had to make sure that she execute class 1-B's unique theme well to gain customers.

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