Training sessions, Learning to fly

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EXT. TRAINING GROUNDS - MORNING GOBBER (O.S.) Today is about teamwork. Work together and you might survive.

ON A DOUBLE-WIDE DOOR. Gas seeps through the cracks. It BLASTS OPEN. A cloud of smoke engulfs the ring, swirling around the paired-up teens. Astrid with Ruffnut. Snotlout with Tuffnut. Fishlegs with Hiccup. All carry buckets of water, poised to throw them.

GOBBER: (CONT'D) Now, a wet dragon head can't light its fire. The Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky. One head breathes gas, the other head lights it. Your job is to know which is which.

The smoke encircles them, cutting them off from each other. The teens LISTEN and WATCH for any sign of the dragon.

FISHLEGS: (muttering to himself) Razor sharp, serrated teeth that inject venom for pre-digestion. Prefers ambush attack, crushing its victims in its...

HICCUP: That's really helping Fishlegs.


HICCUP: (TENSE) Will you please stop that?

ON SNOTLOUT AND TUFFNUT Moving nervously through the fog, back to back. Snotlout is singing to himself to calm his nerves.

RUFFNUT: Oh you scared baby Snotlout.

TUFFNUT: Ha good on sister.

SNOTLOUT: If that dragon shows either of his faces, I'm gonna- (spotting an approaching shape, terrified) -There!

Snotlout and Tuffnut HURL their water into the fog.


HICCUP: Oh I would rather face a raging monstrous nightmare than an angry Astrid.


RUFFNUT: It's us, idiots.

Astrid and Ruffnut are soaked.

TUFFNUT: Your butts are getting bigger. We thought you were a dragon.

FISHLEGS: Oh they will regret that.

SNOTLOUT: (TO ASTRID) Not that there's anything wrong with a dragon-esque figure.

DRAGONS: Are these humans idiots or do they want to get themselves killed.

TOOTHLESS: I think he is an idiot. Hiccup though I think he might have a death wish instead.

Astrid ELBOWS Snotlout in the face. Ruffnut DROPS Tuffnut with a PUNCH to the throat.


They FREEZE. A tail SWEEPS out of the fog, taking them down. Their buckets spill.

ON FISHLEGS AND HICCUP coming across them. They see the puddles of spilled water.

SNOTLOUT: Oh this won't be good. Those idiots will be killed if the dragon could take me out the best viking in training.

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