The hunt, 2nd dragon training session

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A painted DRAGON, with a sword run through it. It's the billowing sail of Stoick's ship. Stoick hovers over the familiar nautical map - his eyes on the uncharted corner, swirling in mist and illustrations of dragons.

All the teens tense wondering what a nest hunt looks like having never been on one. The Dragons step back trying to get as far away as they can from the Carnivorous Queen.

STOICK: I can almost smell them. They're close. Steady.

FISHLEGS: What does the nest smell like Chief. If we've never been to the nest before.

STOICK: (Taken aback) It is something you learn with years of experience fighting dragons.

STOICK: It just came naturally. What does the nest smell like?(awe sounding thought) I can't remember

FISHLEGS: So I can never do it huh. I was hoping I could be helpful.

FISHLEGS: (Dejectedly) Oh, I see so we wouldn't know yet huh.

Stoick raises his gaze to...

AN EPIC FOG BANK, towering from sky to sea like a bruised, daunting curtain, beyond which nothing is visible. The three ships drift alongside it, skirting its solid edge, looking for an opening. ON DECK the crewmen mill nervously, all too aware of what Stoick is considering.

STOICK: (CONT'D) Take us in.

The helmsman steers Stoick's ship into the fog. The men draw their weapons, prepping for the worst.VIKING Hard to port... for Helheim's gate. The first ship disappears into the whiteout, followed by the other two. A BEAT Suddenly a flash of light. A silhouette of a dragon. Hollers.Sounds of splitting and shattering wood. Plunges into the water. Another bright flash.

All the Vikings from the expedition flinch and look down remembering the day of the attack. The children look up to their parents about to ask about the expedition. But stop themselves when they see the shadows of fear, pain, and loss on their faces.


Hiccup runs his finger over its outline.

HICCUP: You know, I just happened to notice the book had nothing on Night Furies. Is there another book? Or a sequel? Maybe a little Night Fury pamphlet?

SNOTLOUT: What are you asking about idiot. If it's not in the book in won't be anywhere else.

HICCUP: I know Snotlout! I just was hoping I could be better informed. You know to better survive.

Hiccup rolls his eyes at Snotlout wondering what made him even start to talk to him. Snotlout starts to stand and head to Hiccup to make him regret being rude to him. But the dragons look to him showing their teeth and growling at him louder with every step. Till he sat down again and the dragons all layed down next hiccup. Then he started to scratch them and act as if they weren't dangerous in the least.

KABLAM! A blast takes the axe head off of Hiccup's hilt, leaving a smoking hole behind him. Hiccup YELPS and RUNS.

GOBBER: (O.S.) FOCUS Hiccup! You're not even trying.

CUT BACK to reveal a Deadly Nadder, loose in a maze-like arrangement of moveable walls. Gobber calls orders from above.

GOBBER: (CONT'D) Today... is all about attack.

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