Mystery Girl...

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I was sitting on Conors Sofa, he woudnt let me do anything. He was bringing in my stuff and then putting them away for me. Yes your right. My mum had let me move in with Conor! I was so happy.But Conor had gone into 'Over protective of my girlfriend who is pregnant with twins'mode.  It was kinda annoying but there is no way I can win him over because I have started to show at four months.which is kinda weird the bumps not big but there is two lil girls in there.The midwives had said it was two identical girls. Me and Conor have cam up with a few names:

Millie and Mollie.

Masie and Mabel.

Holly and Harriet.

Jessie and Jennifer.

But names were the last things on our minds.First is There room and then Jelous fans. It is kinda getting worse. When he made it big time we were already going out so the fans didn't really mind but now Im up the duff its diffrent. Just like the other day:


We were out shopping for the babies: You know clothes, Baths, Cots and things like that. Conor had gone to take a phone call out side the shop and well a few fans had found us. I felt nervous. They kept glairing at me. And sniggering. It was horrible. But once Conor cm back they asked for pics and that then went. But one girl who wasn't with the group stayed. She kept glancing a us. She seemed Jelous,not oh I like Conor Maynard but he's got a girlfriend and She is ok but I want to be in her place. It was like He is mine.



Guys,Fans and readers IMPORTANT

Do you want to be that mysterious girl. She is nice somtimes and horrid others. and she will become a major character!!

Just message me with the following:


Age:(Around Conors age maybe bit yoounger maybe bit older)

3 word to describe you:

Anything else:

If you could pick your first born baby's gender what would it be boy or girl:

Fav boy name and fav girl name:

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