The Ex.

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WOW! Three months till our little babies ou born! We have pretty much finished th gils room. Its lilac and have Pale baby pink an pure white flowers 'grwoing' up the wall. The cots are next to the window and a wardrobe and chest of drawers are sitting by the door. Full to the brim with clothes, teddys and nappies.

Currently, I was sitting watching Jeremy Kyle( God woman just let the man see his kids). Anyway It was six at night and Conor was due back after work. I honstley could not wait. I was quite glad conor had gone into protective mode. It ment I would have food cooked for me(I'm not sure Beans on toast is cast as a meal but you know). I did enjoy it. KNOCK KNOCK!

I thought Conor had Forgot his keys-again. I guess I was wrong. There stood a girl. Not just any old girl. The mysterious girl. She was the same hight as me give or take a CM or two. She looked the same Age as me. She was pettie, I could tell she danced. Her figure was was the sam as mine before I got pregnant. She was wearing a pale blue T-shirt, it had printed on it in Pink'Love,Hope Dreams'. She was wearing black leggings and some deep blue shorts. On her eet were some Black all star converse. Slowly My eyes followed down from her Green eyes and long flowing brown hair to her arms. Arms? You ask. Sleeping soundly wrapped in a white blanket was a baby. A orange dummy went up and down in His mouh. "Can I help you?" I Said.

"Elly you go inside," I heard conor say I peered around the girl standing outsied out house an saw conor standing there arms crossed.

"Why?" I asked

"Because Conor probaly wants to have a go at me for turing up at his house. But I thought it was time for me to tell him somthing. Elly you might as well hear this. When Conor and I split up..."

"Gracie, No one wants to hear your stupid lies,"Conor butted in.

"Conor," I said harshly I wanted to hear where this was going. I was a bit annoyed about his girl turning up on my door step. But I vagley remember her. I met her once when her and Conor were going out just befre I had the courge to tell him I like him. Wow that was a year ago. "Carry on Gracie,"

"When I and Conor split up I...I...I was three month prgenant. And Guys I kept him. Little Noah sparks(I took that from sparksfliy4u username).He is 10 months 1 week and 3 days. He was born on July 16th." Gracie Mumbled

"GRACIE STOP LIYING!" Conor Yelled. I shrunk back. Conor had never shouted before. It kinda scared me. Noah whimpered.

"Conor." my voice barley a whisper. He looked at me. He looked at Gracie and Noah. then h spun around and walzted off. Me, Gracie and Noah were left standing there. On the doorway onf number 42 Brooke street.

That was one week ago. Conor came back but he seemed stiff. Scared almost. I tryed telling him I didnt care. So long as He looked after our little girls. He had seen gracie a few time and So had I but he still denyed Noah was his.


Thanks to Sparksfly4u for being The character Gracie. What do you guys think then???? Liky or no likey?

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