Slingshot 2: For a change

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"Class, I would like you to meet, Meghan" Ms. Olive announced.

She looks simple with her pale blue eyes, blonde hair, and brown highlights. I must say, her eyes are like Naill Horan's from the so-called One Direction. Hey, I'm not a hater, I like their songs, and I sometimes make a cover out of it.

"Hi!" she greeted. "Meghan. Can you please introduce yourself to everybody" Ms. Olive said to Meghan then sat down in her desk. Meghan nodded and started the introduction.

"Good morning everyone. My name is Meghan Kaylee Smith, 16 years old. I came from Seattle High. I hope all of us could be friends, that's all" she finished her introduction with a sweet smile.

"Thank you for that wonderful introduction, Ms. Meghan. Okay, class, do you have any questions that you would like to ask Ms. Smith?" she asked. Well, no one answered so that means no one's interested.

"Okay. Meghan, please go take a seat right beside .... " Ms. Olive looked around the room and her eyes gazed towards me. "Dre, is someone sitting there beside you?" Ms. Olive asked.

"No one, miss" I answered.

"Okay then, Ms. Smith, please go take a seat beside Mr. Ford," Ms. Olive said.

"Thank you Ms.," she said smiling and walked toward her seat, right beside me.

"Hi! I'm Meghan" she said and reached out her hand.

"Dre," I said and shook her hand.

"Is that a nickname?" she frowned.

"Nope. It's my actual name." I replied.

"Wow! Why is it small? No offense. Why can't it be like Andre?" she wondered.

"Well, my mother noticed that Andre is too common nowadays, so she decided to make it just Dre for a change," I explained.

"Oh! That's nice!" she said.

"Thanks. How about you? Is it spelled M-E-G-A-N?"

"No, it has an 'H' on it," she said while pointing into the air.

"Why?" I frowned.

"Well, just like yours, my Mom decided it, for a change" she laughed. I laughed as well.

We stopped talking afterward because the class started. After an hour of discussions here and there, the class ended. Brett stood up and waited for me as I fix my things. I invited Meghan with us since she doesn't know anyone yet in school. We went outside the room and walked towards our lockers.

"Hi! I'm Brett." Brett introduced himself.

"Hi! Nice to meet you. So you two are best friends?"

"You can put it that way." Brett laughed. I hit him with my elbow.

"Ouch!" he groaned. I raised my shoulders as he glares at me.

As soon as we arrived at our lockers, we went to buy food and went straight to our next class. Coincidentally, Meghan's next class is the same as mine, so we both went to our room while Brett went the other way for his next class, Chemistry. When we entered the room, loud noises and babbling filled the area. Meghan and I took a seat and waited for the teacher to arrive.



Finally! Time to go home! I texted Brett where he is because we only had two subjects together today. We need to reschedule our classes, ASAP.

"Dre!" Meghan called out.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I wanna ask you a favor"

"What is it?"

"Uhmm. Can you tour me around the school? Just for 30 mins. If it's okay with you. I'm not yet used to roam around the school yet. I wanna be familiar with the surroundings so I won't get lost."

"Is that it? Sure! Shall we?"

"Thank you!" she said cheerfully.

We roamed around the school for about 20 mins, tops! I showed her where the lockers are, the girl's restrooms, the other classrooms, our pool, the principal's office, etc. "Thanks for the tour, Dre."

"No problem, Meghan"

"I think I need to go home now. Thanks again!" she said after looking at her watch.

"Sure! Anytime! Bye! Take care!" I said and waved her goodbye. I sat at the bench near the canteen and texted Brett. Thank God he replied.

From: Brett

Hey! I'm at our office right now. Is it okay if you could wait for 30 mins? We're currently having a meeting and it's gonna take a while.

Great, another 30 minutes. It's okay though, I'm kinda tired of going home anyways. Well, in case you wanna know, Brett is part of our student council in the school. He does have good leadership skills.

To: Brett

Sure! No problem! I'll be right here at the bench near the parking lot.

From: Brett

Thanks! I'll text you if the meeting's done.

I didn't reply, instead, I sat back and relaxed at the bench and stared at the afternoon sky.


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