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I don't remember how many letters I wrote. They were all addressed to Evan. I wrote one every two days I think. I don't even remember, it was a lot. Most just described what was happening in my life. Some was just me missing him.

I was actually writing one now, during class.

Dear Evan Hansen,

It's been over a month. Guess what? Your still asleep. It's been lonely. Jared and I have been getting closer. I think we're like, best friends or something. I miss you, so much. Last I heard from the doctor, you were going to wake soon.

He said that a week ago.

School has been boring as usual. Like I said, Jared an I are pretty close. We get along well, he's the only person I walk with in the halls. Zoe doesn't want me walking or talking with her at school. "Might ruin my image." She says. I laughed at her.

Evan I miss you. I know I already said that. It's not the same without you. Jared's not like you (obviously). No one's like you. I keep telling myself that you'll wake up soon. That you'll be fine. That you won't be crippled. I kept trying to believe that but it's so hard.

I feel like your never going to be the same.

I feel like you'll act different. God I hope you don't.

I love you the way you are. Please don't change because of some stupid crash.

Right, that guy who almost killed you? Jared's family and your mom sued him in court awhile ago. They (obviously) won. They got 100,000 dollars from this man. He went to jail also for drinking and driving.

God Evan, you don't know how scared you made me this past month. There were times I was visiting you and I heard a beep, long and loud. I panicked, but then after a couple seconds you started breathing again. Then the beep went away.

So many times I thought you were going to die because of the surgery, just to be told the next day that you made it. So many times I was ready to kill myself to be with you, just to be stoped by Zoe, saying that you were still alive.

I'm supposed to be paying attention to the teacher, but I'm sure they've realized by now that I could care less about my education. I've been writing these in class in a notebook. Never have I written one at home.

Well anyways I'll write again tomorrow. I love you.. goodbye.

Sincerely, Me

I set the pen down and yawned, rubbing at my eyes. The teacher was lecturing and a lot of kids seemed bored. I rested my head onto my hand and sighed. So boring.

The teacher stopped talking and picked up the phone. She nodded her head and muttered something. Then she set the phone back down.


I looked up at her, "Huh?"

"Principal's office."

"What the hell? I didn't even do anything?!" I growl, standing up.

"Just go." She sighs.

I roll my eyes and mutter curses under my breath. Walking towards the door I look back at her, "Do I need my stuff?"


I groan and walk back to my desk. Putting my stuff into my bag, I close the flap and swing it onto my shoulder. Walking briskly back to the door, looking directly to the ground.


"Connor, good. Sit sit." He says as I walk in. I saw Jared in the other seat.

I sit down, looking at Jared. He seemed to be confused. What the hell was this about?

Sincerely, Me {A Dear Evan Hansen FF}Where stories live. Discover now