Chapter 27

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Sammy's Pov.
While I was driving home from the Zoo and Sidney got a text she looked at her phone and then typed for a few minutes. I wanted to ask who it was but I don't want to be a noisy husband so I just stayed quiet. She looked up at me while I glanced at her then back at the road.
"Hey Sammy" she said.
"Wassup baby"
"Well mom was wanting to know if she could take the twins for a couple days."
"Yea that's ok with me"
"Ok baby I'll let her know"
"Ok beautiful" I said as I put my hand on her upper thy. I looked over at her and seen that she had a small smirk on her face. She then went back to texting my mom. I don't know what we're gonna do. It's gonna be different taking care of the babies is all we know. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a beautiful angelic voice that I love.
"Ok so after we eat we gotta go home and get the kids a bag a take them to moms" she said.
"Ok baby girl" she smiled and held my hand in hers when we got home she jumped out of the car and came to my window.
"Stay right here baby I'll be right back." She said and ran off into the house. I love this girl so much I can't believe she agreed to marry me.  I looked in the back seat and seen that both twins were asleep. Out of nowhere I jump because my phone goes off. I look at it and see I have a text from Derek
Derek 🚬: Aye man my girl want Sidney's number but I don't have it anymore idk why. So could you please shoot that to me please you'd be a life saver. 🙏🏽🙏🏽
Me: Yea man I got you (random number) but actually my mom is taking the twins for a couple days so if y'all wanna come by we could have a few drinks and then girls could get to know each other.
Derek🚬: Aye man that sounds lit when should we come by?
Me: Let me ask Sidney when a good time is then I'll let you know.
Right when I sent that text the car door opened and Sidney got in.
"Hey baby I have a question"
"Ok what's up love"
"Well I invited Derek and his girl over cuz she wanted your number and I thought why not just let y'all talk in person so I invited them over. But he wants to know what's a good time for them to come over"
"Um probably when we get back from moms whenever you think that'll be" she replied.
"Ok it should probably be like 30 minutes could you please use my phone and text him?"
"Sure baby" she grabbed my phone as I began to drive to my moms house.
"I love you very much baby" I said
"I love you to handsome" We pulled up to my moms house and we both got out grabbing the twins and there bags. I walked to the door and knocked. Mom opened the door and I hugged her.
"Hey momma I missed you"
"I missed you to my baby boy" she kissed my cheek. She then went and brought Sidney into a hug.
"Hi Sidney I missed you so much"
"I missed you to so much momma"
"Ok we gotta get going but I promise when we pick up the twins we'll be sure to stay for a while"
"Ok my baby's have fun"
"Love you mom bye"
"I love you to"
We got in the car and started on our way home.
"Baby girl do you have any idea how much I fucking love you"
"Baby boy you couldn't love me as much as I love you" I grabbed her thy and squeezed a couple times.
"You look very beautiful today"
"Why thank you baby boy but I can't wait to get home so I can wear something comfortable"
"Oh baby me to" we eventually pulled up to our house and we both went up to our room.
"Baby can we take a quick shower"
"Sammy you have people coming over"
"No baby not like sex in the shower like a shower shower"
"Oh ok then yea that's fine" we both stripped out of our clothes and we stepped in the shower. We quickly got cleaned and she got done before me so she got out and wrapped in a towel. She then went into our room once I was done I got out and wrapped in a towel and went into the room also to see her dressed in

 She then went into our room once I was done I got out and wrapped in a towel and went into the room also to see her dressed in

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"Damn baby girl you look sexy as fuck"
"Thank you Sammy so do you"

"You should probably get dressed baby there gonna be here any minute""Ok baby girl I'll be read in a minute""Ok baby"I went and got dressed in

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"You should probably get dressed baby there gonna be here any minute"
"Ok baby girl I'll be read in a minute"
"Ok baby"
I went and got dressed in

"You should probably get dressed baby there gonna be here any minute""Ok baby girl I'll be read in a minute""Ok baby"I went and got dressed in

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I came back to my bedroom and she wasn't there I went down stairs and seen her sitting on the couch with her laptop.
"Hey baby" I said sitting next to her wrapping my arms around her waist.
"Hi handsome why you wearing a shirt?"
"Cuz there is another girl coming over and I want you to be comfortable"
"Awe thank you Sammy" just as I was about to answer her Derek and Mariah came walking in the house.
"Aye man!" He said coming in and sitting down next to me.
"Aye wassup"
"Nun man wassup wit yo girl"
"Nun why"
"She's just so quiet"
"True.. wait one sec" I turned over to Sidney and she was on her computer. "Baby"
"Derek's girl is here"
"Oh! I didn't even hear her all I heard was you and Derek" she instantly jumped up and closed her laptop.
"Baby we're going to our room while y'all stay down here and drink"
"Ok mami I love you"
"I love you to" they walked up the stairs and I instantly groined.
"What man" Derek laughed.
"Fuck she just gets me so ya know like she's so fucking sexy and she's a big ass tease"
"Man so is Mariah. She'll be gettin me goin just so she can get me hard and leave me"
"Girls man" I laughed.
"Aye let's get a drink" we went to the kitchen and each got a beer.

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