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"Jae wake up we have school today remember? So I have a question uhmmmm why are you wearing a jacket and your slippers?" Koeun asked me as she pulled me to sit up. I opened my eyes and saw that I was wearing a jacket and my slippers. I shot up from where I was laying down and realized that I was on the sofa.

"Woah why the hell am I here?" I asked her and she smirked.

"Uhm like last night I woke up in the middle of the night and heard lughter from downstairs so yeah I went to look at what's happening and well I saw you and Taeyong drinking and he was sober but you were drunk as fuck! Like I saw him stopping you from drinking but damn your persistence is legit! So I went downstairs and I told him to leave you and I sent him home with a bottle of ginger tea to make his drunkenness go away. So yeah that is what happened last night. Get your ass up and take a bath or else we gonna be late for school." She told me and left. I stood up and took a bath which woke me up. I had a severe headache and I felt really dizzy. After taking a bath I went straight to my closet and changed into my uniform. I grabbed my usual things and went downstairs to see my mom and my sister eating breakfast. I then saw KoKo lying down on the floor and started petting him.

"KoKo I'm sorry you didn't get to have the walk I told you about yesterday." I told him and stood up.

"Hey mom good morning!" I said as I kissed her cheek.

"Well Jaehyun you know what I am not having a good morning your sister just told me what happened last night. Jae please don't ever embarrass yourself because of your bad drinking issues. You know that you can't drink much but what have you done?" She scolded me and I looked down.

"Alright you two head to school now and Koeun keep an eye on your brother would you?" She told us and I glared at Koeun. Mom would never have known if she hadn't told her. UGHHHH!!!!

"Koeun let's go." I told her and we left the house we rode my car and we arrived to the school quickly. When we arrived I left Koeun and walked straight to the school. I went to my locker and grabbed the things that I needed for today. I then went to my first class and saw the guys.

"Jaehyun good morning!" Doyoung told me and approached me.

"Oh here comes mr drunky!!" Taeyong shouted and I glared at him.

"Oh shut up!" I told him as I laid down my things on my table.

"Woah woah woah what the fuck is happening here?" Yuta asked us and all of them looked at me as I sat on my chair.

"So last night Jae and I hung out in a convenient store and we then decided to have a drink let me repeat that A DRINK but then that drink lead us to drinking a lot until Jae got really drunk and well yeah he was so crazy he also shouted at me 'What are you looking at anime faced shit?!' and honestly I got scared. Good thing Koeun saved me from that shit." Taeyong told them and I just sulked in my place. They laughed and laughed about it until the P.A sounded.

"Attention to all students of LJ academy today will be the last to sign up for the Talent Show all of the students interested in joining please proceed to the Student Council's office and fill up the form. Thank you and have a good day." We all heard Doyoung announce from the PA.

"Wow do you hear Doyoung's voice it's fucking improving." Yuta exclaimed and we laughed but our laughter stopped as our teacher entered.

"Okay class before we start I would like to call out Jaehyun." Mr. Min said and I walked out of the room with him.

"So Jaehyun I was wondering if you were interested in signing up for the Talent Show since this is the first time in years since we've had it we decided to have real talents in the show." Mr. Min told me and it took some time for me to process his words.

"Hold on Mr. Min are you telling me that you see me as a person with real talent?" I asked him and he smiled.

"Yeah you got great talent in singing so you really should join the show." He told me and I thought about it.

"Okay Mr. Min I'll sign up later." I told him but he grabbed a paper from his pocket and gave it to me.

"You can sign up later or you can sign up now." He said and handed me a pen.

"Wow sir you really came here prepared." I told him and he chuckled. After filling it up he folded it again and put it back in his pocket.

"Oh and also I have seen you dance before in the dance room of the school and I'm impressed if you want to got to a dance school tell me I know of some people who manage a dance school and they have like modern dance, pop dance and all sorts of dancing. Yeah so good luck for the talent show you can come to me for advice. I'm always available." He told me and I nodded. We entered the room and he did what I least expected for him to do.

"Hey everyone please welcome our new talent show participant Jung Jaehyun!"


So yeah I didn't reread that or edit it so yeah. Vote and comment random ass shit. Love y'all💖😘

Btw I'm going to wanna one's fanmeet here in the PH and it's gonna be lit. Support me 🙏

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