°Welcøme Tø The Dun Family°

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Song Of Chapter:

Vegas Lights (Panic! At The Disco)


I woke up with the bright sun through the curtains. I smelled something like bacon. I opened my curtains and saw that Jenna, Tyler's wife was sleeping in her bed. I jumped down and walked to the kitchen to see Josh cooking eggs, bacon, and pancakes. "Good morning beautiful. How did you sleep?" Josh said while flipping one of the pancakes. "I slept well. Mmm. Breakfast smells good." I said while sitting down on the couch. I heard foot steps come from the hall and saw Tyler with his hair all over the place as he walked into the kitchen. "Sup Ty-O." Josh said. "Sup Jishua. Whatcha doin?" Tyler said rubbing his left eye. "Makin the girl some breakfast before we go see my parents." Josh said scrambling the eggs. Tyler looked at me with a wide grin across his face. He came over to me and just sat next to me. I got nervous as one of my hero's sat next to me. "So (Y/N). I'm gonna ask you a question about me and Josh and if you get them correct then you can have 10 of my Oreos." Tyler said looking at me. "Ok." I said kinda nervous. Tyler turned his body to face mine. "Ok. Here's my question. How old was I when I meet Josh?" Tyler said with a grin because he knew I wasn't gonna get it. "Uh I'd say early twenty's if not around mid twenty's." I said shrugging a little. "Dang it. Your good." Tyler said while snapping his fingers. "Ok here's mine." Josh said while fixing me a plate of food. "What was my first concert like with Tyler?" Josh asked while handing me the plate of food. "Oh that's easy. You guys were at a collage or something like that and a guy was so drunk that he walked up to your drums and tried peeing on them so you pushed him away and then the cops came and kinda shut it down." I said while looking at him with a smile. "Wow she's good. Ok you can have 10 Oreos but after your done eating missy." Josh said while handing me the syrup.

After eating Josh decided to take me out for some Starbucks and a little shopping. We went to the local mall and got some Starbucks there. Josh took me to my favorite stores like Hot Topic. As we walked into the store the song Fairly Local was on and Josh started smiling like crazy. We waked over to the band Merch and looked at all the great bands and singers. Twenty One Pilots of course, Panic! At The Disco, Green Day, Sublime, Melanie Martinez, Troye Sivan, Gorillaz, Jon Bellion, and some Guardians Of The Galaxy stuff as well as alien t-shirts because aliens are real. ( I personally believe in aliens not because Josh does but because I think there isn't just us humans out there. Anyways back to the story) As we grabbed t-shirts and other stuff, I noticed some TOP fans because some of them where wearing t-shirts from the concert and from Hot Topic. Josh put the stuff we were buying on the counter and got out his wallet to pay for it. The fans noticed him and ran over to us. I stood there a little nervous on what they would do. They don't know that Josh adopted me. "OMG IT'S JOSH DUN! CAN WE HAVE A PICTURE WITH YOU!" "Sure but not to long. I'm going to meet my parents in a few." Josh said getting ready to pose with them. They snapped photos here and there and Josh smiled while his tongue showed between his teeth. They left and Josh payed for our stuff. "So wanna go get a bite before we head to my parents? It's 11 and I told them that I would be there around 12 to 11:30." Josh said as we walked around the local mall. "Uh can we go get Taco Bell?" I said kinda nervous that he'd scream or something. "Of Course We Can. You know how much I love Taco Bell." Josh said getting all excited that I said that.

As we pulled up to the closest Taco Bell, Josh eminently ran over to my door and opened it. I got out as Josh got all excited to get Taco Bell. Josh ordered and we found a spot to sit. "So can I ask yo a few questions? If it's okay with you." Josh said while waiting for the food. "S-sure." I said kinda nervous on what he'd ask. "So my first one is. What was it like growing up with your uncle?" Josh said in a soft tone. "It was a living hell. I was never happy, always depressed, and well never really happy at all. He did things to me that made me feel worthless. That's why I always was with Natalie and her mom. They made sure I was safe from anything." I said in a soft tone as well. "Oh. I'm sorry." Josh said. "Uh is there anymore?" "Uh ya one more. Uh when did you start cutting yourself and why?" Josh said. I looked down and my scars and saw my first one that I gave myself. "I was 10 and it happened after my mother died. I went on from there because my uncle hit me and or other bad things to trigger my depression. I was never happy unless I heard you music." I said while smiling at him. "Well I'm so glad that our music was an escape for you." Josh said holding my hand.

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