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Song Of Chapter:

This Is War (30 Seconds To Mars)


After we ate dinner, Josh and I said our goodbyes to my new grandparents, aunts, and uncle. We got in the car and drove to the cemetery. Nicotine by Panic At The Disco came on and we both jammed out to the song. Josh was rocking his head back and forth as I tapped my hands on my knees. We got closer and closer to the cemetery. I could feel it in my bones. I saw the sign and felt memories hit me. It felt like I just got shot and all the memories came to me before I died. "Are you ok (Y/N)?" Josh said in a concerned voice. "Ya. Just a lot of memories came to me." I said as he unbuckled. I put his hand on mine and smiled at me. I smiled back as we both got out. We walked past many other graves and a couple of people that my mom or dad knew. We finally reached their graves. I knelt down and looked at the graves. I remember my mom talking about being next to my dad when she died. I took out the picture that I kept in my back pocket and set it in between their graves. It was a family picture of us all. My mo with her curly hair, my dad with his hair all spiked, me with my (Y/C/H) hair straight, and all 3 of us smiling like a happy family. A tear left my eyes as I looked at their graves. My dad's said "Here lies a loving husband and father. A person who loved his life and would do anything for his family." My mothers saying "Here lies a wonderful mother and wife. Doing anything for her daughter even after the passing of her husband." I was a wreak. Tears streaming down my face now. Josh grabbed me and held my close to him. His arms wrapped around my waist and I cried. I had a wonderful dad who loved me in every way, a wonderful mother who had to take care of me when no one would help her, and now I have Josh who loves me even tho he just met me. He held me closer and closer to him as I calmed down. I looked up to him as I wiped my tears away. "You okay (Y/N)." Josh said while rubbing my back. "Y-ya. I just really m-m-miss them." I said while I sat there. "I know sweet girl but just know they are in your heart and will never leave that spot." As Josh called me down I stood up and got ready to walk away. "I'm ready to go." I said standing in front of him. "Ok sweet girl." He said standing up.

After visiting my parents graves we drove to the airport. Josh parked the rental car and got out luggage out. We went inside to find a ton of fans. It was like 9 at night. You'd think that most of them would be home sleeping or getting in bed for bed, but they were there. Josh pushed through them and so did I. We finally reached were we needed to be. We went through the scanner and got back our stuff and went to the plane. We saw people boarding. Just in time. They scanned our tickets and we got through. Walking through to the plane was pretty cool. We got to our seats and got ready to go to California. "So when we get to California uh do you wanna decorate your room. Only thing in there right now is a bed and a shelf." Josh said as he opened up his laptop. "Ya. Can I pick out the color for the wall too." I said all excited. "Of course. It's your room after all." Josh said as he went to Google Chrome. "So are you into emo bedrooms or girly girl bedrooms?" Josh said. "Uh eww girly girl stuff makes me want to throw up. I'm the emo type." I said. He typed in emo bedrooms and a few popped up.

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