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Song Of The Chapter

Can You Feel My Heart (Bring Me The Horizon)


"Stay low they say." Tyler yelled into the microphone. Today was another concert in Ohio. It's March 29th and we're still in Ohio. I never expected something so real to happen. Well I never expected the things that are happening this year. Touring, New album, and well new things that are just so new. It's a new year and as everyone else, you have a new year's resolution. Mine was to be better with my mental health. The one thing that was so new for me was the touring. I never expected myself touring with a famous band that kept growing and growing. I slowly watched as Tyler kept singing to Lane Boy. This was the last concert in Ohio. I looked around and saw a ton of security. Just 2 weeks ago there was a shooting at a concert in Florida. They decided to add more security so make sure that everyone was safe. The one thing I never expected my mind to go to was love. I've always used the words in different ways it's just weird to say it now. Do I love someone or does someone love me? I mean ya the fans love me or hate me and then there's Josh. I know he loves me as his daughter, but will I find someone who will love me like Tyler loves Jenna? I shook my head and watched the boys. It was fun. Traveling was always something that I've always wanted to do, I just never had the chance to do it or the money. Looking at the crowd was the most exciting thing ever. Seeing what Josh and Tyler did was the best thing ever. Seeing how far they have come from being a small base band to having a huge fan base is so exciting. I looked out into the crowd hoping to see my friends, but saw some kids from school or from my old neighborhood. I saw people holding their hand in the air and people just in general having fun. It's quite exciting to see that many people and think of what their lives are like. Do they have parents who are still alive? Do they have siblings? Do they like the bands I like? It's weird to try and compare your life to someone else's. You can't really do that because everyone has a different life than yours. Some people are adopted, some aren't, some are mentally ill, some are put in mental hospitals. Then there are the people who basically live the perfect lifestyle. Fame, money, both parents, not insane, and happy. Not everyone can have that, but we want that. I snapped out of my thoughts and focused on the concert. Tyler was close to ending the concert because he was singing Goner. I decided to walk to Josh's dressing room and get a water. It felt like forever until I got to his dressing room. I opened it and saw some of the things in there. A couch, a big mirror, a tall lamp, and a long table full of snacks and drinks. I grabbed a water and a Twix and sat on the couch waiting for Josh to get here.

After what felt like forever Josh walked through the door all sweaty and gross. I scrolled through Tumblr and just waited for him to do whatever he did after concerts. "So how did we do". Josh asked. "Yo guys did good. Just maybe a little more confetti." I said jokingly. We sat there in silence for what felt like forever. He grabbed the can of Cheese Whiz and put some on a cracker. (See what I did there ;) ) I sat there with and apple in my hand and just st there throwing it in the air not even bothering to eat it. "I-I wanna apologise (Y/N). I know I haven't been the best "Father" lately and I know it seems like I'm distant from you and I don't have an excuse. I'm sorry if it seems like I have been distant from you. I don't want to be distant from you. I want to be the best father I can be to you and I haven't been there at all. It's hard especially after what happened. I guess I was kinda scared that after that you wouldn't want be to be your guardian. I just wanna provide the best I can for you because you deserve the best. You deserve more than what I can give you. So I just wanted to apologise for being distant from you and not being the best father to you. All I want in return is forgiveness." Josh said as he looked t me with a sad looking in his eyes. "I forgive you Josh, I just don't understand why you would want to date Debby? She's not good to you or anyone that you love. She only wants more fam than what she has now. She doesn't truly love you because if she did, she wouldn't treat everyone around you like shit. She would care about them and actually love them like you do . I just hate seeing her hurt you over and over again for fame and "Love"." I said using quotation marks on my fingers. He looked at the ground, head hanging low like he knew I was right. I could tell he knew I was right. "I know that what you're telling me most likely is true because I can tell that Tyler and Jenna hate her too. I know that all three of you guys want what's best for me and if cutting Debby out of my life means you loving me and not hating me, then I will get rid of her like a fly." Josh said laughing. I smiled at him with and understanding look. I ran into his arms and hugged him. A true hug. I pulled back and smiled at him. "Okay so let's head back to the bus because we have a long trip to Utah for that concert of yours." Josh said.

We basically ran to the bus to see Tyler and Jenna standing by the bus talking. Both Josh and I ran into the bus and tried catching our breathes. "What the hell just happened." Tyler said as both him and Jenna walked onto the bus holding hands. "We *huff* just ran from the-." "Venue. Ya I get it." Tyler said cutting Josh off. Jenna just laughed as Tyler walked to Josh and stared at him like he was a new baby. "I see you to made up." Jenna said with a smile. "Ya we just had to talk things out and then BAM! Things are back together." I said sitting down right next to her. "And I'm cutting that bitch named Debby out of my life." Josh said standing up like he just won the jackpot. "Are you serious or if this just one of your dumb fucking jokes that you pull on us." Tyler asked as he put a hand on his hip like he was a sassy person. "I'm serious. I don't want to loose my daughter and my friends from some dumb ass person ho only wants me for more fame." Josh said. "Well Josh I'm finally glad that you realised what kind of a person she is." Jenna said.

we talked for a little longer before my meds kicked in and made me sleepy. I got up and walked to my bed and layed down on it. I heard footsteps and heard some mumbling. "Good night honey. Hope you sleep well." Josh said. "Night dad. Love you too." I said in a sleepy voice.

*Josh's POV*

I closed her little curtains and walked ot of the bed area. I sat down with a huge smile on my face. "Why are you so happy?" Tyler asked. Jenna tilted her head and looked at me with a smile. "She called me dad." I said in disbelief and in happiness. I looked at Tyler and his eyes widened. Jenna looked like she was gonna burst with happiness. "Wow dude. That must feel amazing." Tyler said with a smile on his face. "Ya it feels great. Never thought that I would be a dad until some actually said the words to me." I said with a huge smile on my face. I feels great to be called dad. Especially from someone who you love more than anyone else.

Sorry this chapter is short. Hope you enjoy

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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