Set up!

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"Hey Danny! Get down here!" Author-chan said from the bottom of the stairs. Danny slowly came into view as he groggily trudged down the stairs, yawning and scratching his head. "What do you- What the heck is going on?!" Danny said as he looked towards the living room in shock. Everyone he knew was in that room, standing and sitting in various places. Author-chan shoved a computer in Danny's face. He squinted at the bright screen and saw the three words he dreaded most. Ask Danny Phantom was printed in bright green letters across an eerie portrait that Author-chan would soon fix (foreshadowing ;)) "This is what's going on! I called everyone here so that when someone asks me question, I can answer it as soon as possible!" Author-chan said, smiling at Danny. There was something evil about that smile. He just knew it. "Author, no. This is too much. You can't just-"

"What's wrong, Fenton? Too chicken to be asked a question?" Dash mocked from the couch. Danny's fists clenched as he tensed in irritation. He sighed. "Fine. But only this once!" Danny said, giving a look of warning to Author-chan. Author-chan raised both of their hands in surrender. "I promise that this is the only time I will ever do this." Author-chan said. Danny sighed before going over to Sam and Tucker, sitting in between them. Author-chan smiled and thanked everyone in the room individually. 

"So, what's the first question?" Ember asked as she tapped her boot impatiently. Author-chan sighed. "I haven't gotten any yet. It's too early to get any. But once I do, you'll be the first to know. Besides me, of course." Author-chan explained. The whole room broke out in groans and sighs.

"Do you see this, readers?" Author-chan asked you. 

"You're making them wait! Ask them something or I'm gonna be in a load of trouble." Author-chan said. Everyone looked confused. "Who are you talking too?" Sam asked. Author-chan looked at Sam and smiled. "That's on a need to know basis and you don't need to know." 

Ask Danny PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now