Drum Roll Please!

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Author-kun: Hello, you beautiful readers! I'm sorry I haven't published in a while or updated when I said I would. I was a lot busier than I thought I would be and, well yeah. So! It's time to announce the winner of the contest!

Sam: What contest?

Author-kun: The one where I would decide who, out of all our lovely readers, would join us in our epic adventure to answer questions and fulfill dares and go where no man has-

Sam: Wait, someone we don't know is coming to harass us?

Author-kun: Did you hear anything I just said?

Danny: So who is it?

Author-kun dawns a sly smile.

Author-kun: Out of the many entries (total of 2) I have chosen one reader to join me in constantly nagging you guys! And her name is...

A ghost busts open the door and takes a pose worthy of Ember, her tied up blue hair billowing in some nonexistent wind.


Author-kun: Her name is Skylar. She's a ghost. 

Skyler: I am so happy to be here! And it's nice to meet you, uh...

Author-kun: Jesse. My name's Jesse. But you can call me whatever.

Skyler: Alright, Whatever.

Author-kun: *unamused glare* You're almost as bad as Jack.

Jack: *stops his fit of giggles in the corner due to what Skyler said* Hey!

Author-kun: Oh, and this is a surprise that I've been holding back from you guys. I WILL REVEAL MY NAME AND APPEARANCE IN THIS CHAPTER. (or at least my preferred name and appearance) You guys have already learned my name, even though I will still use Author-kun as a title, but you still don't know what I look like.

Skyler: You look more feminine than I imagined when you said you were a boy.

Author-kun: Shoosh, child. 

Skyler: I am no child! I'm 16 years old!

Author-kun: And I'm 17, so I am therefore your elder. Anyway-


Author-kun: 5'7"! And that is not what I look like. I have short, green hair, blue eyes and pale skin.

Skyler: No you *mmpf*!

Author-kun: Well I guess no one will ever know which is which. And remember, I'm the author here, so I get to decide what I look like, Ms. Duct Tape Mouth. So yeah! That's it for this chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'm sorry to the other contestant. Skyler was just better developed. And if I portrayed the character incorrectly, I'm sorry. I hope I at least made this enjoyable for you readers.

Skyler: It was nice to meet you guys! I hope I can become a lovable co-harasser as this book goes on!

Author-kun: By the way, check out her profile! fangirl834 has some pretty cool stuff on there! 

Sam: Wait... This is fangirl?! The girl that kept on violently asking when Danny and I would go on a date?

Skyler: Uh-oh. Gotta jet! *phases through the ceiling to hide from the infuriated Sam but makes sure to poke her head through and shout* Danny X Sam FOREVER! *before hiding again*

Sam: Why did you have to pick her?

Author-kun: It was either her or the one Dash fears the most, which I was tempted to do. She was really sweet.

Dash: NO! NOT HER! *Hides in Kwan's chest*

Sam: But that would have been hilarious!

All the boys in the room: NO! NOT HER!

Auhor-kun: You've meen outvoted, Manson. Anyway, keep those comments coming and we'll see you in the next chapter!

Skyler: Until then, ka ọ dị!

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