Ch.14 Time Is Hell

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She was sitting in the very corner of her room with the sheets covering her whole body. A river of tears were going down her face. I approached her and uncover her face.

"Lani...," I softly said as she quickly hugs me. I hugged her back and stroked her long black hair,"it's okay I'm here..... ssshh...."

"I'm s-sorry if I aw-awaken you...," she stutter, fear was in her voice.


The last few days Lani wasn't herself around me anymore. Does she not trust me? Or did she lose the love for me? I feel down when thinking that...

Lani's POV

No one knows.... No one helps.... I suffer from one thing....


Deeply it fills my love with hate. Oh how much it consumes....

~A Week Earlier~

Everyone went out to eat at a mall which was nearby here. I had split away from the group when I saw a really cute sweater that looked like it was for those couples that consider their love as their queen/king. I wanted to shown Sinji it since I very much love him. That kindness towards me was like the God's touch making me feel so pure. He was... No, is.. He is a great man and I'm very lucky.

"Hey Sin-," I was running to my boyfriend when I caught something.

"Sinji! Sinji! Let's go grab a drink! Ya?" Annie tugged on his arm as he followed.

"Sinji...," I whispered and walked away from their direction.

When we came home I was all down that Annie hogged him the whole trip. He didn't went looking for me when he actually was away from her. I clutch on to my purse and walked into the house.

"Lani," I heard behind me.

I turned around too his voice hiding my eyes that were filled with sadness and sorrow behind my bangs. I tried not to sound as sad as I felt with a smile on,"yes?"

"Threw the whole thing we-," he was cutted off by Crest pulling his arm.

"Hey sorry if you guys had something to say to each other, I just really have to show him something!" Crest smiled at me. He needed him more than me... Maybe this thing was important.

I forced on a fake smiled and gestured them to go on,"no. No. It's okay! We can always continue a simple conversation later on!"

"Thanks Lani! You're the best!" They both walked way. I tried to retrain myself from looking into his eyes.

When watching them leave to a different room I heard a soda pop. I was mistaken.. That wasn't even important at all.. I really.. Really let myself go.. I tried to walk back to my room only to listen to music to release half of my stress. The whole way my legs were wobbling back to room when they stop.

"Hey Lala," Annie was leaning against the wall smiling, her voice containing a child's playful voice with a dash of an adult slut calling out for their master.

"Lala?" I moved my bangs from my sight to reveal my eyes at her, my face seeming very confuse by the name she has given me.

"I hate the nice girl game. How do you keep up with it? Huh? Is it this easy to fool you all?" She walked around me and slightly kick my heel causing me to trip forward but I had caught myself in time.

"Ow.. Hey I thought you wanted to be friends?" I said back giving her a glare.

"I do, I must of tripped some how....," she started to walk into the other room but stop.

"I hope you know this is my world. And I'm the Caster that controls it," she walked off chuckling that was loud that it even echoed.

It echoed in my head....


I've been really bother by those words lately... I know Annie is being my fake friend but why did I open myself up so much to her lately? I'm an idiot... and she needs to change. Today we were all gonna go hiking to check out the views but I stayed home... I told them I could always go next time. So they all went on without me. I was just on my phone playing flappy bird. Wait wouldn't this worsen the moment? Eh. It's addicting.

"Stupid bird... Who taught you how to fly!?" Shouting aloud at my phone and return back to the home page after rage quitting. "I should check were the sights are then..," swiping to maps there was that red eye thing. It was located right where the house is. (Okay I got the part of the app very wrong so I'm gonna have to watch Persona 5 from the beginning again :D)

"What is this thing?" I tapped on it as a search bar appeared. "What do I put..?" Then a sudden thought came to my head the words of what Annie said to me.

"And I'm the Caster that controls it." Why did that came in mind...? But, there were voices telling me to.

"AH!.. I hate Annie so much! She thinks she's a Caster or some ruler crap! She's a dirty lair! That lies to get what she wants! Even in Yuri's beach house!" I shouted as it said back," route set found."

"What? AHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed falling towards the ground all of a sudden and next I wasn't in bed no more. I was outside of this weird place.

Where the house used to be... Is now a high tower that goes beyond the sky.

"Where am I?!" I started to panic as rain started to roll in. "Rain drops... I need to take shelter.." and I ran into the tower without thinking twice but only not getting wet.

"That was close..,"It started to pour dogs and cats out there now.

I then wondered around and explore the place. The walls were hard stone and the stairs up where a long way to go. One after another I went up so high.. I realized that I have no idea how to get back to my room so going more higher, away from the only exit I have is the worst idea there is. Then a room came up. The first door I have seen other than bricks, stairs, and more stairs.. I opened it up and the sight of it was... digesting.

The room was filled with cages filled with students I know from my school getting tutored to death. But, the most disturbing part of it was there was a single cage with a single person in it. That person is me... hanging dead from chains around my neck. Swinging and swinging around and around. Who ever.. What ever... had a very freaked up mind... This was Insane! The me that was hanging from chains was then dropped down into a hole

"Lani 000182297, you're next!" A voice screamed my name and a bunch of numbers at me? Them?

"Please! No! I don't want to!" I screamed. She? But the horror in her voice this must be a horror to live.

She was then pushed into the cage by two guards. The cage door had closed behind her. She was rattling the bars screaming for help even though she knows there is no hero here. Then was impaled by more than one spear threw the throat, blood dripping down from the pointy edges. Even though that truly wasn't me dead.. It was like I felt that spear went threw mine... I held a hand around my neck and step back away to get to the door and out of this room.

"Where do you think you're going?"


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