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“Honey, are you awake? Its time to go,” Mom said as she opens the door slowly and enter my room.

Rubbing my eyes and yawning at the same time, I replied. “Go where, Mom?”

“Oh, don’t tell me you forgot. Today’s your first day on singing school,” Mom reminded me.

Mom signed me up for this school where they would teach ‘kids’ how to sing and use their voice properly. I begged my mom not to sign me up for it because I’m relatively shy especially when it comes to showing my talent and not to mention, in front of many people. Goodness, I only sing in shower everyday because there’s no audience there obviously. However, Mom kept saying this will help me overcome my shyness, although I think that would be impossible.

“Right... How could I forget that? I’ll just take a shower and be down in a few minutes.” I replied, getting my towel hanging at the back of the door.

Every time I take a shower, I always bring my iPod inside so I could listen to some songs. It helps me forget about stressful things and whatnot. Today I decided to play it on shuffle so that I could listen to random songs on my iPod. First song that played was one of my faves, ‘One and the Same’ by Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez; I just love that song so much.

After five whole songs, I was done and went straight to my walk-in closet, got dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast with my mom. Mom offered me a ride to school and I would be dumb if I didn’t accept it, so of course, I said yes. The school was only three blocks away from our house so I could just walk home because mom’s about to go to work after she drop me off. My mom is a well-known engineer here in our country which means she’s a very busy person, but this summer she made sure that she’ll have more time to spend with me since I’ll be going to college soon.

I don’t know much about the school yet because mom’s the one who signed me up for it beforehand. But she did tell me that the school is called ‘Hollywood Arts’. I know, I know. It’s the name of the school on that Nickelodeon show ‘Victorious’. I really thought it wasn’t real though, but turns out it is, its right here in Springfield.

When I arrived at school, there were huge glass doors. A tall brunette welcomed me and showed me the way to the room. Apparently, there weren’t many kids like I expected. There were probably like, fifteen of us here today. They were just as old as me; some even looks older than me.

Then, a blonde lady entered the room and stood in front of the class and introduced herself. “Good morning everyone, I am Ms. Posey and I will be the one teaching you this summer.”

   I can see that everyone was paying full attention, and so am I. I was very excited to learn how to control my voice and more.

Ms. Posey continued talking about sopranos, altos and whatnot. Still, I’m so glad this is only a two hour class or else I’d be sitting here feeling sleepy already. I didn’t notice that she said she’ll let us out early today but she gave us ‘homework’.

Ms. Posey sat on the desk as she explained what our homework is. “Okay, on the next meeting I want you all to think of a song you like, and sing at least fifty seconds of that song in front of the whole class.”

After that, we bid our goodbyes and left the room. It was only twelve in the afternoon, it wasn’t so hot outside so I started walking.

I have four more days to choose and rehearse the song because we only meet every Monday and Friday for singing school. When I got to our front door, I took the keys out of my pocket and opened the door. I went to the kitchen to grab some snacks and brought it upstairs to my room. Mom hates it when I bring food in my room, but since she’s not here right now, I might as well break the rules because YOLO.

It was really boring being alone in the house so I decided to plug my phone onto the stereo to blast some music.

At around seven in the evening, I was awakened by the knock on my door. I didn’t even notice that I fell asleep earlier, and my stereo is still blasting loud. I stood up to turn it off and open the door.

Obviously it’s my mom, she told me that dinner is ready and I should get downstairs. So I followed her to the kitchen and helped her set the table.

“So, how was the singing class?” Mom asked while she puts the lasagna on the table.

“Interesting,” was the only word that could describe it. I couldn’t say fun because it was the total opposite of that since I have no friends to talk to yet.

“Oh. Well, did you get the chance to sing already?”

“Not yet, but on the next meeting yes. We’re all going to sing in front of the class.”

“That’s great, honey. Good luck!” she replied.

I faked a smile and stuffed a spoonful of lasagna into my mouth. Oh goodness, it tastes so damn good.

After dinner, I volunteered to wash the dishes so mom could take a rest. She easily approved and went upstairs. When I was finally done, I went straight to bed to get some rest too.

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