The Witch That Time Forgot

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The Witch That Time Forgot

"Crucio!" Bellatrix shouted, for the fifth time. The mudblood screamed, writhing in pain. She turned to Lucius, watching with fascination.
"Your turn, Lucius," she said evilly.
"No! Please! I'll do anything!" The victim shouted.
"Silence!" Lucius yelled. "Anything, you say?"
"Yes, anything!" An evil smirk came on Bellatrix's face. "You know, Lucius," she said. "You could...keep her as a slave."
"Hmmmm," he said, pretending to think it over. "She is nice looking, I must say." He turned to the Dark Lord, who was across the room.
"Your Lordship?"
"Yes, Lucius?" Came the horrid voice.
"May I?"
"Of course,"
"Hold on, Lucius," Bellatrix said. "I would like to do one more thing."
"Go ahead, Bella."
"Crucio! Crucio! Crucio!" She repeated, three times. "I'm done," she said, whirled around, and walked out.
"What's this, Draco darling?" Bellatrix asked Draco in a sickly sweet voice.
"Oh, that's a time turner."
"I knew that, you insolent fool! I meant why do you have it?" She snarled. Draco shrugged.
"It doesn't work anymore. Father gave it to me last year." Bellatrix spun it a few times, but nothing happened. "Interesting," she said, and walked off.
It had been a long day of torturing muggles and mudbloods, and Bellatrix Lestrange was ready for bed. She yawned, and as soon as
she hit the pillow, she was asleep.
"Crucio!" shouted Hermione Granger, and Bellatrix' s body convulsed. The muggleborn witch stood in her face.
"The tables are turned now," she said. "Harry Potter defeated the Dark Lord, and you? You're a death eater. Or, should I say, ex-death eater. From Voldemort's inner circle. You're the most wanted person on the face of the earth right now. Now tell me!" She shouted. "Were you, or were you not, carrying Voldemort's child?" Bellatrix shook her head.
"I wasn't! I would never! Never!"
"Liar!" Hermione screamed. "Accio Veritaserum!" The vial came flying towards her hand, and she forced it down Bellatrix's throat. She then held her wand at her neck. "Tell me the truth."
"Avada Keda-"
****end of dream****
Bellatrix sat up in bed, in a cold sweat. It had all seemed so real, and it was unnerving. She called for her house elf. "Dobson!" She yelled. She waited. Nothing happened, not a crack of apparation, no appearance of the elf.
"Strange," she thought to herself. She got out of bed, walked down the hall, and down the stairs.
"Lucius?" She called quietly. "Narcissa? Draco? Severus?" No answer. Walking into the sitting area, she realized the house looked much different. There was no fancy furniture, no pictures on the wall, no food in the kitchen, even. She walked to where the restroom was supposed to be, and it wasn't there. She was utterly shocked. How could this have happened, whatever it was? She took the chance of opening the door, and was met with a surprising discovery.
Malfoy Manor had always been on the outskirts of towns, with hardly any neighboring families. Now, Bellatrix was met with a small village, where people were hustling and bustling. Most appeared to be trained wizards and witches, and some were just children. She walked out of the house, wand in hand.
"Excuse me, what town am I in?" She asked a passing woman, who had alarming red hair. "Oh, you must be Callista^ Black!" The woman said.
"Actually, I'm-"
"I've heard so much about you, moving to the old Black Manor. I'm Florence Weasley, and I'm so excited for you to be here! And how is your husband?"
"Um, I'll just be going now," mumbled Bellatrix. She must look a lot like one of her ancestors, to be called Callista Black. She vaguely knew that Callista Black, née Prewett, had married Orion Black, another ancestor, about 200,000 years ago. They'd moved to some wizarding village, one that was small and they were wealthy.
She walked, puzzled, to a small restaurant. Did they even have restaurants back then? Or now, as it appeared that she'd gone back in time.
"What's this, Draco darling?" Bellatrix asked Draco in a sickly sweet voice.
"Oh, that's a time turner."
"I knew that, you insolent fool! I meant why do you have it?" She snarled. Draco shrugged.
"It doesn't work anymore. Father gave it to me last year." Bellatrix spun it a few times, but nothing happened. "Interesting," she said, and walked off.
****end of flashback****
Was that old time turner the reason why she was here? And why would she have been sent back to where her ancestors were in the first place? How did the Malfoy and Black Manors tie together?
"Hi, welcome to the Three Broomsticks, can I take your order?" Asked a voice.
"Yeah, I'll have a firewhiskey," she said.
"Ma'am, we don't have those here. In fact, I've never heard of firewhiskey before."
"Fine then, a glass of water."
"Suit yourself. That'll be three sickles." She paid, and walked back to a table where she could ponder her thoughts.

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