Chapter 9 ~ oh rolf

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~Thursday afternoon~

I was walking out of the locker room to be greeted by Edd.
"Hey! You ready to go home?" I asked him.
We both walked out of school and walked over to my motorcycle. I hand him the helmet.

"You are...ugh.. gonna take me home on that?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah? Listen..." I walked over to him and put my hands on his waist.
" will be fine, you can hold on to me as tight as you want."

"I knew you guys were dating!" Nazz walks over to us.

Both me and Edd gave her a look.

"What?" She asked seriously.

"Edd is scared to get on the motorcycle." I said taking my hands off him and crossing my arms.

"Oh. Its okay. If I can do it, so can you Edd. Also did like the camera?"

"Yeah, I do. Thanks Nazz. But I'm gonna take Edd home."

"Alright, be safe Edd!" She waves and walks away.

I help Edd put the helmet on and I got on the motorcycle and he follows. He holds onto my waist even before I turn the motorcycle on.

I turned it on and started riding and he holds on tighter.

We made it to his house safely.

"Was it that bad?" I asked him getting off the motorcycle.

"No..." He said taking the helmet off.

My phone vibrated. I looked at it and Rolf texted me.
Rolf~ Hey Kevin boy, I need your help for tomorrow. Can you come over?

Fuck I forgot about the party, I looked at Edd. Should I tell him? I thought about that for second. I will have Rolf help me with that.

I text Rolf back.
Me~ yeah, be there soon.

"Hey, Rolf wants me to go Over. See you later?"

"Yeah. Is Rolf okay?"

I walked over to him and kissed him on the head.

"yeah he's fine. Bye"

"Bye Kevin."
I watched him walk into his house and grabbed my motorcycle and take it over to my house and walked over to Rolf's.

I knocked on the door and Rolf opened it and let me in.

"Dude I kinda forgot about the party." I said to him nervously.

He looked at me and asked, "Do you even know when it is?"

"Shit! No....the girl who invited me works at the corner store, down the street. Want to see if she working and ask her?"

"yeah let's go!"

We walked outside and I looked over at Edd's house and I see Eddy at the front door

"You okay Kevin boy?" Rolf says concern.

"Yeah, let's just get walking."

After couple minutes of walking in silence, Rolf asks,
"How are you and Edward?"

I fell in love with a nerd. ~ Kevedd fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now