Roman x Virgil

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(I got this prompt from the tumblr sanders-au I love them honestly so I will probably use a good amount of their prompts)

Prompt:  "Virgil is sitting on a shelf several feet above the floor. How did he get there? Why is he there? Who finds him? How does he get down?"

Virgil liked sitting in random places. He didn't really know why. He normally sat in these random spots when he was thinking about things. That's how he ended up where he was now. He had managed to get on a shelf several feet above the floor.

Getting up there wasn't too hard surprisingly, but now he wanted to get down and he didn't know how. He tried getting down the same way he got up, but that almost ended in him falling so he wasn't going to try that again. He let out a huff as he sat back the way he was again. He really should have thought this through before he got up there.

He looked down to the ground beneath him, wondering if he should just drop down. He'd be okay, right? Or he could end up hurting himself really bad which was something he didn't want to risk. He frowned, pulling out his phone. At least he brought his headphones. He slipped them on, turning on him music and began to scroll through social media.

Virgil didn't know how much time had passed. Really, he enjoyed being up there with just him and his music. 

"Virgil," a voice said, but it was very faint due to him having his headphones on. "Virgil," the voice said again, but louder this time successfully getting his attention. Virgil stopped his music, taking them off, and looked to see who it was. 

"Hey, Princey," Virgil said, smirking a little.

"Virgil, we've been looking everywhere for you! Have you been there this whole time? How did you even get up there?" Roman questioned his boyfriend.

"I don't really know? I just did. And yeah I have. Why?" Virgil asked.

"Patton is making dinner. It's going to be ready soon. come on," Roman said.

Virgil bit his lip, his cheeks heating up a little in embarrassment. "I can't? I sorta got stuck up here."

"You what?" Roman said, laughing a little. "Okay. I'll help you," he said.

"I'm going to fall."

"No, you won't."

"Yes, I will."

"You won't."

"I will."

"Virgil," Roman said, causing Virgil to sigh. 

"Fine, but if I get hurt it's your fault," Virgil said, before starting to get down again. After a few moments, he lost his footing and slipped. Before he could hit the ground, though Roman ended up catching him, causing him to blush.

"Aw, someone's blushing," Roman teased.

"Shut up Roman," Virgil said, blushing more.

"No," Roman said, laughing. 

"You're lucky that I love you," Virgil said, rolling his eyes.

"I love you too, Virgil," Roman said, gently kissing him. "Now Patton's probably wondering where we are. Let's go," he said, holding Virgil's hand as they walked to the kitchen

Whoop this was my first oneshot fanfic thing so yay! -Theo

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