Logan x Patton

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Prompt: Patton has a nightmare

It had been a normal night. Patton said goodnight to Roman and Virgil and managed to convince Logan to go to bed with him on time. He knew that if he didn't, Logan probably would've stayed awake all night to get his work done. It wouldn't be the first time that Logan did that. Patton would often make sure that his boyfriend was getting the sleep that he needed.

The two had gone to Patton's room, getting comfortable under the blankets. Patton held Logan close, running a hand through his hair to help him relax enough to sleep. Patton would usually stay awake until Logan fell asleep, just to make sure that he did actually sleep. He'd play with Logan's hair and tell random stories until Logan's breathing leveled out and Patton knew he was sleeping. It wouldn't take long for Patton to fall asleep afterward.

It was always peaceful. Well, almost always. Patton didn't normally have nightmares. He usually had silly dreams, if he even remembered what the dream was. If he did have a nightmare, it was usually small and got over it fairly quickly. This time it was different though.

Patton mumbled incoherently, becoming restless in his sleep. Logan wasn't too much of a heavy-sleeper so he woke up rather easily when Patton first started becoming restless.

"Patton?" Logan asked sleepily.

"No...don't...please..." Patton whimpered.

"Patton, are you okay?" Logan asked, worriedly and sat up to look at Patton better. Even though it was dark, Logan could tell Patton was in distress and quickly was able to tell that Patton was having a nightmare.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." 

"Patton, you're okay. You're okay," Logan said, gently shaking Patton. "It's just a dream."

It took a few seconds, but Patton was woken from his nightmare. "Logan? Logan!" Patton said, quickly sitting up and hugging Logan tightly.

Logan stiffened for a moment but quickly relaxed and hugged Patton back. "You're okay Pat, you're okay," Logans said, going to run a hand through Patton's hair to relax him. They stayed that way for awhile, the only sound being Patton's sniffles every now and then. 

"I'm sorry if I woke you," Patton said, hesitantly pulling away from the hug and wiping his eyes.

Logan shook his head. "It's alright, Pat. Are you okay?" he asked, concerned for him.

"Yeah, I am. Just had a bad dream," Patton said, smiling weakly.

"Do you...Do you want to talk about it? Sometimes talking can help," Logan said.

Patton bit his lip, thinking about it for a moment before nodding. "Yeah. That might help," he said. He took a deep breath before he began speaking. "We got into a fight over something and it escalated and were both yelling. Then it went quiet and you said... you said you didn't love me," Patton said, tears falling down his face.

Logan was quiet for a second before he gently pulled Patton into a hug. "I love you so, so much Patton. An argument wouldn't change that," he said softly. 

"I know. It just felt so real," Patton said, hugging him back. "I love you, Logan," he said.

"I love you too Patton. Come on. Let's go back to sleep," he said.

The two laid down again, Logan holding Patton close. He played with his hair, gently kissing his forehead. "Goodnight Patton," he said.

"Goodnight Logan," Patton said, smiling a little. It didn't take long for Patton to fall asleep and Logan followed quickly after, both of them sleeping peacefully through the rest of the night.

woooo another story done. this was hard to write because I was watching my baby cousin and she kept trying to push buttons. Oh and if you guys want to request you can! - Theo

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