Chapter 1: Kristine. Part 1

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"Pick a card any card." a man said."Don't point at the card commit it to memory by staring at it."I picked a queen. He shuffled his cards. " is this your card?" He asked me. "Yes." I said. It was my queen. "You should be scared, very scared, if I have picked your card what else do I know about you?"

That same nightmare I couldn't seem to get it out if my head it was like, haunting me. I was in the middle of science class. Total flashback. There he was nick, staring at me like I was, something to eat. It kind of offended me. Pervert. I thought to myself.

"Kristine!" Mrs. Vernea yelled. I wasn't paying any attention to her. "Yes?" I asked. "Stop daydreaming!" Mrs. Vernea yelled, again.

I couldn't help it, a nightmare that is like haunting you, following you wherever you go! What am I supposed to do about it, tell it to go away, that's not gonna happen! And now I can't even pay attention in class, great!

All I hear now is: blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah. It's annoying. I watched the second hand on the clock tick, 1 minute left. This is endless.

"RING,RING,RING,RING,RING,RING,RING,RING." Finally, school was over! Yes! We'll school isn't really over, it's boarding school, black cat boarding school. Lots of stupid little cliques always talking about me, sneaking boys into their dorm rooms at night, gross. We'll let me say something, I'm not like that.

I went to my door room, surprised that my roommate Caroline was not there. Weird. She's usually here before me but she wasn't. Oh we'll. Caroline became my best friend when we were assigned rooms and were best friends ever since. She was always there for me when we were going through rough times I was always the same to her.

It was starting to get late Caroline still wasn't here, she probably went over to someone else's door room and didn't tell me. I was a little bit worried, but I new everything was alright. "Right?" Okay I admit it I am really worried, it wasn't like her to go somewhere without telling me. IT JUST WASNT!

I couldn't stop worrying, so I thought I would calm down if I just went to sleep.

And I did.

I was walking down the street, at night it was a hot summer night. I turn around I see someone running after me. I couldn't tell who or what it was all I knew it was a man and he had a gun. So i started running. He chased me around the whole city, the bank, the restaurants, everywhere. I finally lost him.

Years went by without me having to deal with the crazy man following me. I was twenty-seven and I had a family and a house. A knock on my door. I went to the door and said "hell-oh!" I dropped all the china that I had in my arms slammed the door in his face and ran out the back door. He chased me around the city like he did before. And then he chased me into the abandoned house. He held the gun to my head. "Any last words?" He said. I held my middle finger up and said " I have no idea why your doing this but, kill me." I said. He pulled the trigger. BAM. My dead body fell to the ground.

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